Order of the Closed Book

The silent and stoic Order of the Closed Book are devoted knights and extremists. They are a small organization - less than 500 members - but what they lack in size they make up for in skill and fanaticism. They are dedicated to the Eight-Pointed Star, particularly the Father, in mind, body and soul.
They are most notable by their strange tactics and complete silence.
The order was founded by Baron Erald Darklyn when he tasked his household knights to gather magical texts from his enemies. They were sworn to secrecy. They operated for years under the Baron's patronage until his death. At this point, the knights formed their own Order and drifted from lord to lord as a covert force.
In 687 they were contracted by the Star, and the Council of Elders was so impressed with their abilities they brought them on permanently. The Order's mercurial ways were replaced by devotion to The Eight and a wealthy life from the Star.
Today, the Order of the Closed Book acts as holy warriors and and the strong right hand of the Star.


Initiates are taken at a young age and trained by the Order at the St. Ellings Academy - commonly called the Dark Vault. Once they learn the hand language of the Order they become Squires. When the Squire has completed his training and earned the favor of the Elders, he becomes a knight and takes his Vow of Silence; never to speak again. Those who oversee the knights are the Master-Knights; while the leader of the Order is known as the Justice.


The Order communicates only through sign language and the written word. They use squires to interpret for them when dealing with outsiders. Little is known of the inner workings as most aspects of the Order are secret.

Closed Lips Tell No Secrets

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Silent Knights, the Closed Book
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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