Order of the Singing Sword

Some depict art in music and some have said that combat is a form of art. The Order of the Singing Sword combines these disciplines. In combat they use a series of intricate elegant maneuvers that fend off harm and allow the bladesinger to channel magic into devastating attacks and cunning defenses.
This is done to honor the Elf God, and defend their homelands. The Order exists across the four elven kingdoms, and each has its own Grandmaster of the Order. The bladesingers have been accused of being more devoted to each other than the state, and they would agree. Politics come and go, but faith are art can last forever.


The Order is ruled by Four Grandmasters who style themselves slightly differently. Ruling each temple is a Maestro; he or she is served by Knights, with Squires below them. Rank is noted by the color of the uniform.
Rank Honorific Insignia
Grandmaster Grandmaster None Needed
Maestro Master Blue Uniform
Knight Sir Green Uniform
Squire Black Uniform


The bladesingers dwell in temples dotted across the elven forests. The temples are religious in the same way a shrine is; in reality, the temples are large amphitheaters where the bladesingers may dance and train. Those who join the bladesingers are often outcasts and misfits, those who are not understood. They are not forbidden from interacting with the rest of the community, though they prefer each other.


The Singing Sword has a number of temples and are very well funded.
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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