Pilot's Guild

Pilots are navigators who direct ships from one port to another. While the captain decides on the destination, it is the pilot who actually navigates the vessel, decides how much sail to hoist, calculates position, and lays courses. All seagoing vessels more than 30 feet in length are required to carry master pilots, except for locally registered fishing vessels and Nomani vessels, which have somewhat different requirements.
Every master pilot compiles a private rutter, a book that contains his accumulated knowledge of the sea. This is carefully guarded, for its loss could easily bring disaster. The unauthorized possession of a rutter often carries the death penalty, but their high value is an enormous temptation to thieves. A sizable reward is available for turning in a lost rutter at any Pilots’ Guildhall.
Pilots are highly respected by all mariners. It is acknowledged that their skills are essential for the safe operation of a vessel. It is almost universally taboo to harm them because they are simply much too vital for maritime trade. Even pirates are likely to spare the life of a captured pilot, partly from respect and partly because the Pilots’ Guild offers a ransom of 1,200gp.
Master pilots have wide discretion with regard to taking on apprentices. Most apprentices are former seamen who have demonstrated an aptitude for learning. Apprenticeship generally takes nine years, the longest of any guild. There are no journeymen in this guild
Guild, Craftsmen


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