FERAL (Fractal Enhanced Reality Altering Lifeform) or FERALs is the broad name for lifeforms that can wield seemingly supernatural abilities, such as telekinesis or psionics. These abilities seem to manipulate interstital space in a way that influences base reality.   The amount of known FERALs has increased slowly through the years since their classification in 7 UE, as interstellar travel via FIT drive equipped vessels became more available. While shown to be otherwise harmless, exposure to large amounts of Naosons or travel through interstitial space is thought to increase the chances of unborn or young children becoming FERALs.


It is hypothesized that when a developing life form is exposed to Naosons, the particles may interact in such a way to cause rare changes in the structure of the growing nerve cells that may allow the life form to innately sense or understand interstitial space.


Unlike species of natural FERALs, those who acquire the condition through exposure to interstitial space are known to have various complications due to their mutations or ability use. One of the most well-known side-effects is a condition known as bleed-over. Bleed-over is a condition that tends to affect FERALs who overuse their abilities, though it can develop in any FERAL at any level of ability usage. This condition is typically fatal, as the subject's brain structure is irreparably changed by the cascading neuron destabilization.


As a FERAL develops, they may be able to learn how to interact with interstitial space to cause specific effects, known as ripples. These ripples are generally described as repeated interactions with normal reality that cause a kind of compounding wave effect through interstitial space, which then can act back upon normal reality. For example, an affected person may wave their hand back and forth with a specific rhythm to levitate an object.


Although only classified in 7 UE, it is thought that there have always been a number of rare individuals who would now be classified as FERALs; although their abilities may have been considerably weaker due to a lack of exposure to interstitial space. These past individuals are hypothesized to exist as more lifeforms are discovered and classified as FERALs, leading to the belief that these abilities are more common than initially believed.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare


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