
Hexite is a proprietary synthetic metamaterial created by the megacorporation HexGen Systems. The material is used most heavily in the company's line of tekware augments, thanks to its unique properties. Hexite is advertised as a programmable metamaterial, as the compound is able to be programmed to shape itself into a particular arrangement.   Although the exact composition and manufacturing process of Hexite are closely guarded secrets and mostly unknown, its main components and properties are publicly known. The material is known to be composed of several noble metals, silicon, carbon, along with various polymers and gasses. When Hexite is exposed to a specific coded signal during manufacturing, its function is defined and the material shifts to take on its programmed form.   Hexite is used in all of HexGen's tekware augments, which is what gives them an edge over other augment producers. Along with making the manufacturing process much faster, Hexite is able to negate the risk of augment rejection and integrate almost seamlessly with the user's body. This material is also able to help fight the symptoms of rejection, actively reducing inflammation and immune response without the need for typical immunosuppressants.


Material Characteristics

In an unprogrammed form, Hexite is a black viscous liquid. When programmed, it can appear in various colors, and have various other properties. Hexite can be programmed to form strong lattice structures to act as armor, form long chains to function as a flexible polymer, and even link in structures to form circuits. Generally, programmed Hexite takes on a solid black or white color, with gold or silver wave-like striations across its surface.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Hexite is unreactive with most compounds, and does not present any sites for other materials to bind to unless it has been programmed to. Hexite is also biocompatible, it is non-toxic and not rejected by any known lifeforms. It is additionally able to form direct structural and functional connections between living tissues, seamlessly integrating tekware augments into a patient's skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. These properties make Hexite the current material of choice for tekware augments, although its proprietary nature means that only HexGen Systems can produce and manufacture these augments.
Common State


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