HexGen Systems

HexGen Systems, or simply HexGen, is a megacorporation based in New Haven, on the planet Novis in the Hedron star system. Founded by Cassius Solus in 81 UE, HexGen is a company focused on providing entertainment in its many forms. The company is most well known for their line of augments and virtual reality experiences, but also runs several resorts and other entertainment venues across Cradle.   HexGen's headquarters are situated in New Haven, the capital of Novis. The structure, known as the HexGen Spire or simply the Spire, is two kilometers tall; making it the tallest building on Novis. The Spire houses everything the company needs, including housing, recreation, offices, labs, and even manufacturing.   The most popular product line from HexGen are their virtual reality experiences, making up 75% of the company's sales by volume.


As described by its employees, HexGen Systems has a more relaxed and open corporate culture compaired to many others. This culture extends even into their dress code and code of conduct; which primarily applies to public facing positions, security, and R&D. Those outside of these sensitive positions are encouraged to express themselves, as long as such expression does not interfere with their work.

Public Agenda

HexGen was originally founded to produce augments for the people of Novis, but this agenda has grown and shifted over the years. After the CEO, Cassius Solus, created his revolutionary DNI augment, he began to investigate ways to reduce augment rejection syndrome. This led to the creation of Hexite, the material which would almost completely nullify the risk of ARS.   Today, HexGen focuses on providing entertainment all across Cradle and has expanded into multiple markets; including creating and publishing virtual reality experiences, developing tekware and bioware augments, and even growing custom biosculpted bodies.

Our business is your pleasure.

Founding Date
81 UE
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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