Cersei Kline

Cersei Kline

A druid Anadi Female from the southern Bloodmoor island of Agarac. Born into the civilization of the Kalagniy people who were Anadi but interacted with other races who made their way to only documented paradise of an island in archipelago.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cersei Kline was born into a large Anadi family on the southern Blood Moor archipelago island of Agarac. Her family belonged to the tribe of the Kalagniy people, who thrived in the heart of the jungle, living in harmony with the land and respecting its rich resources. Their history and culture were passed down through generations in the form of stories and legends that kept their traditions alive.     In the Kalagniy tradition, every member of the tribe was given a task to explore and understand the nature of their environment, preparing them to become future leaders of their people called Yja. However, only about half of these Anadi children ever returned, as some found new lives on the mainland, while others were lost to the mysteries of the jungle.     When Cersei embarked on her journey to seek out the power of nature, she encountered Orion, an older Andria from another tribe. He became her mentor, teaching her about the diverse ecosystems of the Blood Moor islands. Orion shared tales of his own Yja, during which he claimed to have stumbled upon a portal to another world, a place where nature's power was far more potent than anything in this world. Intrigued by Orion's story, Cersei set out to explore this mysterious phenomenon. Together, they discovered an anomaly that Orion identified as the same "rip in nature" he had encountered during his Yja. Eager to learn more, Cersei followed Orion into the portal, only to be overwhelmed by new sensations to all her senses. Colors hyperpigmented, smells intoxicating and overwhelming, sounds of wind whipping through trees, and the heat of a mid-day sun on her body, and the site standing before them a large, spider-like creature that addressed them in their native tongue:     "Oh, you are not who I was looking for. You may call me Grandmother Spider. I am the weaver of the universe, and I connect all the strings of nature."   The next thing Cersei knew, she was lying face-first on the ground, surrounded by a bush teeming with spiders. When she returned to her village and recounted her encounter with the mysterious entity, the tribal elders were not receptive. They feared the implications of her story and decided to exile her for speaking of such unnatural occurrences.     Cersei, bewildered and devastated by the harsh punishment, left her home to continue her journey across the Blood Moor islands. As she traveled, she learned that similar anomalies and strange events occurred throughout the archipelago. She heard rumors of a gnome scholar from the mainland who had documented these phenomena, fueled by tales from those who had ventured Nort to Blood Moor island. Determined to uncover the truth, Cersei joined a new group of adventurers, hoping to unravel the mysteries of her homeland and find her place in a world that had cast her aside.
Ruled Locations


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