Tracking Eobalds' Caravan Report

General Summary


  • The party found the destroyed caravan that was possibly carrying Eobald. The party spotted large vultures picking at the carcasses of the dead bodies of men and horses alike. Springing into action the defenders of Serphants pass attacked and swiftly defeated the vultures.
  • Following the large footprints a few hours deeper into the forest they came upon a clearing of collapsed wooden buildings of what must have once been a small hamlet. The weeds and shrubs around the ruins have been flattened into a mat of sorts by the passage of heavy feet.
  • Only a single stone structure to the east remains intact, its exterior covered by clinging ivy vines. The barest hint of a stone door is visible through gaps in the vegetation along the building’s front.
  • Also noticing the ogres in some heated argument they attacked the group and dispacted them through mighty negative magic.
  • Taking care of those the @oligarproceeded to open the door to the stone structure where they then found four Lurkers in the Light and Eobald!
  • -As they entered the Lurkers disappeared from their sight and the next thing the party knew there was a glowing unicorn in front of them that began to attack.
  • Defeating the summoned fey creatures and driving away and killing some of the Lurkers the party was able to free Eobald from the cage made out of iron Fingernails
  • Eobald informed the party of the possible Anais Hag coven that had captured him and that they were preparing to summon something...
    • Linzi took Eobald and returned to the horses with Amari and KANERAH

    Rewards Granted

      =160 xp   540 sp, 28 gp, 1 pp, assorted pieces of jewelry worth 60 gp, a jade bauble talisman, a fine redwood scroll tube edged with gold accents worth 50 gp that contains a scroll of hallucinatory terrain, a pair of goggles of night, and a wand of illusory object (heightened to 2nd level). The wand is made of brass and looks similar to a writing quill.   A portion of the caravan’s goods, including 50 gp in various valuables, but the printing press parts that Linzi hoped would be here are missing from a crate clearly marked “Fragile components—handle with care” in Common.

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Character(s) interacted with

    Tesslutut Campaign
    Drigg Pyriam
    Level 7 Kineticist Oracle Loremaster.
    45 / 90
    Avira Zauviir
    Level 7 Magus.
    85 / 85
    Level 6 Bard.
    56 / 56
    jok mi'hoff
    Major Flimsy
    Level 7 Cleric.
    80 /
    Cersei Kline
    Level 6 Druid.
    53 / 62
    Report Date
    29 Jul 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Related Plots


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