Eternalism Start Your Religious Enlightment Here

If you can understand what you are reading you have been granted a rare blessing from Tassia. Not only are you holding the most Holy of texts written by Tassia, but you are able to understand this is the truest blessing that could be received since understanding is the path to becoming all-seeing. The path to becoming Eternal.    

The Divine Harrneser Tassia Clanvor:

Tassia Clanvor is the most ancient of all beings of existence today on Tesslutut. She is omnipresent. Tassia has divine right over all her children known for being the Eternals.   The Eternals are all divine rulers who have different varying powers and abilities themselves but know that they carry infinite power over all mortal beings of Tesslutut.   Some Eternals are said to be older than others. These individuals have the absolute power to rule over all other Eternals. These eight Eternals have different regions of the world that are under their care. These eight are commonly called “The Council ''. Tassia Clanvor sits as the head of The Council. Known throughout the world as being the oldest Eternal and being she is considered a god by the subjects of Tesslult. Even other Eternals consider her a god.   Tassia is regarded across the land of Tessluste as being the supreme eternal. All divine magic is said to originate from her and go through a religious caster via the leylines delivering that divine magic.
“The Judgment of Tassia for Stealing the Farrie Queen Vawna’s wings and grafting them to Herself becoming absolute law over all Eternals. The Divine Harrnesser Bless all lands with the purest of maigc." - Law 1 in the book on trial law.

The Divine Children

Every Eternal is said to be an offspring of Tassia. No known mortal has ever witnessed an Eternal perishing. It is believed that new Eternals are brought into existence by Tassia or her eight most loyal children to govern all forms of magic: Arcana, Natural, Occultism, and more.  

Exmouex of SPERA

Exmouex is the Eternal who rules over all the Eternals in the province of Spera, the holy land of the Eternals. He sits as the most senior of all of Tassia's children on The Council.  

The Black Sovereign of Bla-Ka-Kun

The Black Sovereign rules over the sovereignty of Bla-Ka-Kun. His identity is shrouded in absolute mystery, making him an enigma even among Eternals. The horror stories of his mind-bending powers are the stuff of nightmares.  

Sultanate Fervis Pabijlpiax of Re-Dover

Known as the Sultan, Fervis Pabijlpiax rules over the harsh territories of Re-Dover. Understanding the value of the land he controls, he urges the inhabitants to embark on tireless treks across the wastelands in search of powerful artifacts and riches that rival those of even the most esteemed Eternals.  

Arch Wizard of the Temple of BLEUCHENA

The Arch Wizard presides over the Temple of Bleuchena, wielding immense magical power and knowledge, guiding the disciples in the ways of ancient and arcane arts.  

Arch Cleric of the Tower of WHELRA

The Arch Cleric oversees the Tower of Whelra, serving as the spiritual leader and healer, offering divine guidance and wisdom to those who seek it.  

Supreme Princoix of GRELTHISH Ingtrydal Iarleth

Supreme Princoix Ingtrydal Iarleth of Grelthish is known for his formidable leadership and strategic acumen, commanding respect and authority across the realms.  

Viceroy to the Satrapy of WHELRA

The Viceroy acts as the deputy to the Satrap of Whelra, managing the administrative and political duties with utmost diligence and integrity.  

Duke of Blood Moor

The title of Duke of Blood Moor is bestowed upon an Eternal who serves primarily as a mediator rather than a political figure. The Duke does not reside in Blood Moor but in the province of Spera, the Holy Land.  

The other Eternals

  The other eternals are regarding as holy beings on Blood Moor. Many of them walk amoust the mortals helping them and ruling them as they see fit to guide in there direction.


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