Tassia Clanvor

Tassia controls all leylines and magic. She is what devotees pray to either invoking her healing or harming cablitys. She is generous to give so much to the beings of the plane of Tesslutut.   About 4,400 years Tassia decided to break regions of the world into smaller areas giving her control up to five of her offspring. She divided these into the 5 main provinces of the world and created the Eternals Council. To which she still sees over.   About 2000 years ago it was also announced significant changes that were marked by the changes in the ways of the Eternals, this new Era began to allow for deeper discoveries of magic by letting those with magical ability not limit themselves to previous laws or restrictions. By doing this it allowed the Eternals to learn more about how magic works through those who are mortal.   Tassia Today Tassia is viewed as the god to bring harmony over the titans of the world and she was the mother of all living being on Tesslutut. Tassia is what powers all magic the leylines. All domains fall under her rule.

Birth and Early Development Of Tassia

0-2000   Born about 20,000 years ago she was the daughter of two Equilorians from their native plane. Tassia soon learned with other native-born how to control and shape the aether of the multiverse and guide its magic to Tesslut—being able to harness this magic with the help of the other eight native-born Eternals that gathered together to gain control over the wild elements the rather brought in. They were able to do this by sealing the 4 titans and with that harnessing their power. to Tesslutut about 18,000 years ago. (-18,000 Sealing Titans) ST    

The Convergence

In -16730 ST a plane know as the converged with Tesslultut providing further magic and the emergence of new life forms of fey beings. And related mortal races upon the plane. The nine quickly secure their right calling themselves gods of the plane. Insisting that these new life forms were created by them. And teaching those chosen how to control the magic of Tesslutut. The Eternals Claim that all the Planetary bodies such as the moon and sun are now in space on this plane.  

Tassia's Rule

Throughout the next 5000 years Tassia found betrayal and deceit from the other eight Eternals. The only documented history of scripture was the event of where Tassia kills Vawanna The Farrie Queen proclaimed ruller of the land prior to The Convergence. While doing so she absobes the Fairee Queens powers. Now being able to harness magic from the converged plane. She names the universe the First World and this body Tesslutut. During this time Tassia routs out the evil and treacherty of the other eight. She declares herself as the One True Eternal. She then began to lay with all other mortal beings giving birth to her Eternal children. These are the Eternals found ruling the main world of Tesslutut today.   -10,000 TR to -1259 TR During this time Tassia makes sure that all previous records of the other eight are destroyed. Small cults still exist in praying to those previous gods.  

Eternal Era

In the year -1259, about 4,400 years Tassia decided to break regions of the world into smaller areas giving her control up to five of her offspring. She divided these into the 5 main provinces of the world and created the Eternals Council. To which she still sees over.  

Exploration Era

2000 years ago it was also announced significant changes that were marked by the changes in the ways of the Eternals, this new Era began to allow for deeper discoveries of magic by letting those with magical ability not limit themselves to previous laws or restrictions. By doing this it allowed the Eternals to learn more about how magic works through those who are mortal.  

Tassia Today

-1259 TR - Today 2024 EE  
Tassia is viewed as the god to bring harmony over the titans of the world and she was the mother of all living being on Tesslutut. Tassia is what powers all magic the leylines. All domains fall under her rule.

Divine Domains

Change, Cold, Decay, Delirium, Dust, Duty, Glyph, Lightning, Plague, Repose, Sorrow, Soul, Star, Swarm, Time, Vigil, Void, Wyrmkin
Divine Classification


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