The Eternals

This ruling class, called the “The Eternals'' is said to have been the makers of the world of Tesslutut. “Gods” walking among us. Creating the plane was done out of curiosity and the interests of The Council. Through their creativity, care, and divine power they pooled their magic together to create the leylines. By bringing this to existence and shaping the flow of this magic they were able to make the plane of Tesslutut.
  The Eternals are said to be able to take on many forms to allow them not to shock their citizens with their original forms. Some rumors that they have seen the actual form of an Eternal but many of these stories are spun to entertain one's friends or patrons at a pub for a bards coin purse. “Let me tell you a tale, One true as you are witnessing me here on this stage. A day full of cheer and merriment. Blue Skys from the Isles to the Desert There I was performing for an audience. Much like you are now. I drummed up a tune, one of magic and wonder. If this was an enchantment, all listeners would have been fascinated. From what I saw next would be true horror and shock you. The mayor of the village Who was sitting on the stage Stood up in the middle of my performance His hair, his, clothes, his face Changed into a horror that can only be imagined in nightmares I froze with fear Onlookers mouths wide With his out of the mayor's mouth, we all began to vomit green bile This lasted for many minutes The mayor and posse walk around, kicking, hitting, looting The sick and feeble townsfolk I awoke to water being thrown over me The mayor still as a nightmare standing next to me Hissed once more I began to applogize, for what I do not recall. The Ruling Eternals Eternals just like the citizens they pretend over have different personalities, objectives, motives, etc. But they do all have one thing in common that they make very well known on Tesslutut.
  “We are Eternals, we constructed this world for you to live. It is our power that keeps Tesslutut magic flowing for you to use. All living things on Tesslutut are children. It is our responsibility as parents and guardians of Tesslutut to provide you rules and values. We are not afraid to discipline those who go against the laws that we put in place to protect and teach you.”
  Rulers of the Rulers: Some Eternals are said to be older than others. These individuals have the absolute power to rule over all other Eternals. These eight Eternals have different regions of the world that are under their care. These eight are commonly called “The Council ''. Tassia Clanvor sits as the head of At The Council. Known throughout the world as being the oldest Eternal and being she is considered a god by the subjects of Tesslult. Even other Eternals consider her a god.
  “The Judgment of Tassia for Stealing the Farrie Queen Vawna’s wings and mounting them to Herself becoming absolute law over all Eternals.” - Law 1 in the book on trial law.
  Tassia is regarded across the land of Tesslust as being the supreme eternal. All divine magic is said to originate from her and go through a religious caster via the leylines delivering that divine magic. It is also herself the fuels the other types of magic as well.


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