To Ask For Forgiveness

Just What the Kingdom Needs:

  Linzi wastes no time pursuing her goals to help build a place that’s “better than Redrum.” She encourages art and literacy in the kingdom while simultaneously regaling anyone who might listen with tales (mostly true, though somewhat embellished) about how restrictive things were in Redrum.   A few weeks after meeting Linzi she is forced to admit to herself that there’s one thing in particular that the PCs’ kingdom lacks that would help bolster her efforts more than anything else: an honest-to-goodness printing press.   She doesn’t want anything broken or obsolete, so she researches and designs a truly impressive machine that she hopes will be on par with the giant presses that rumble away in far-off Whelra.  


While examining the books of the Treasury Zato Zuso discovered a decency. He brings this notice to Taffrisus who than brings it to the attention of Avira. He discovers that Linzi has been the one accessing all of these funds. Avirea than informs the oligarcy of serphants pass about this. They decide to confront Linzi.      

Confronting Linzi:

The PCs confront Linzi, she immediately breaks down and confesses, while making it clear that she still believes a printing press is worth the trouble. She regrets attempting to do so without the PCs’ permission and wanted to give the press as a surprise. She now asks the party to help her track down what happened to the missing shipment, revealing that it’s more than just machine parts at risk but an old teacher of hers Eoblad.   In order to help get the operation off the ground, Linzi hired Eobald, a printing press expert and one of her old teachers from Redrum, to accompany the shipment and teach her what he knows. She fears that whatever happened to the parts happened to him as well. Linzi reveals that she’s done a fair amount of the preliminary work is already at tracking down where Eobald and the caravan went missing. She also admits to being somewhat relieved that her “borrowing” is now out in the open so she can directly ask the Oligarchy for their aid. Linzi purchased the final components for the press from a workshop in Griltish, but upon hearing rumors that Eobald wanted out of Redrum, she contacted him and arranged to have the delivered at a port in southern Bloodmoor and routed through Redrum so that he could be smuggled out of the city. In this way, Linzi hoped to solve two problems at once— getting Eobald to safety in the PCs’ kingdom and getting the kingdom an artisan who has experience with printing presses.  

Tracking the Caravan

According to Linzi, the route that the caravan took from Redrum to Serphants pass combined river ferries and overland roads with horse-drawn wagons. Linzi had been receiving communications from Eobald via dream message spells, but she hasn’t heard from him since the caravan entered the Narlmarches several days ago. For the location from which Eobald sent his last message Linzi urges the PCs to accompany her there to investigate.


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