
Whether the battle is war-winning or a personal spat, the Battlesong is to be performed before any bloodshed.
— Visctherian Analogs, Entry 19C-E36


An ancient warrior tradition, the Battlesong brings luck and good fortune during battle, promising an overwhelming victory - or at least a hero's death. The Battlesong is performed before battle of any sort, small or large, by lighting a flame and following a specific pattern of dance and song. The flame is usually sized in comparison to the battle at hand, and can be anything from a candle flame to a bonfire. The song and dance differs from Clan to Clan, varying from a collection of battle cries to a detailed piece that requires multiple vocal parts and occasionally sheet music.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney


The Clans of Priquish are the only practicioners of the Battlesong, carefully performing the ritual before each fight they experience. The six major clans - Bizgi, Brisroch, Pneuremgard, Xithin, Zatgant, and Utom - put great effort into their versions of the Battlesong, and even record their works with the simple writing system of Priquian.


The origin of the Battlesong is lost to the ages, though many Arcanists theorize that it originated sometime in the early Deific Age, before the Continent split and the Clans had formed. With no similar practices, it is difficult to tell where exactly the tradition arose from, but each member of a Clan of Priquish knows that it is as old as the blood of Priquish itself.

Famous Battlesongs

The most famous rendition of the Battlesong was that recorded by Crankust Featherspoon himself, performed by the Xithin Clan before the legendary battle with the Pneuremgard Clan after Silena took the throne of Umdalog the Vengeful. The song consists of multiple vocal parts and acts as something near to a choral performance, with the original performance having thosuands of warrior voices. The words were luckily saved, translated, and recorded by the Visctherian Analogs.

The fight brings death, but the joy brings life

The fight brings hurt, but the blood brings spite

The world may crumble, but the fire's alight

The world turns on, and rage into the night

Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney & Canva


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Aug 10, 2024 02:50 by Deleyna Marr

I imagine two people getting into an argument and then breaking out in song. Love it!
