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Cadoc Godriath

Cadoc never knew his parents, only remembering what Headmaster Rumentolth had told him about his childhood. An orphaned child, destined for something greater, attending the best school of magic on Visctheria; what could go wrong? What he did not know about these stories was that they were all a lie.


"Just because you taught me, doesn't mean all I know is because of you. Sometimes you have to leave behind what you know to find what is truly right."
— Cadoc Godriath


Cadoc was tall for a Raessae, standing at almost six and a half feet as an adult. When he was younger, he still towered over his classmates, greyish bronze scales shining in the sun. His eyes, however, were the true Raessaean bronze, with slit pupils like others of his kind. He only ever wore the purple robes of his school, for it was all he knew until after the Magic War.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney


Despite his lack of knowledge of the world, Cadoc was always eager to learn, constantly asking questions about things he didn't understand. He spent much of his time learning, reading books provided by teachers at Zareya's or making lists of queries for his friends at the Academy. Outgoing and excited about life, Cadoc was a model student for many teachers at the school - something that earned him many points with the Headmaster. While few students at the Academy appreciated his hunger for knowledge, it did gain him a few close friends that would later save his life.


Cadoc awoke at the age of thirteen as a Raessae, with no memory of his life before his awakening. His only knowledge was of his lessons with Argoron Rumentolth, the Headmaster of Zareya's Academy for the Magically Inclined. During his youth, Cadoc spent much of his time experiencing growing pains, skin aching as new scales grew in and old scales dropped off. Not quite a true bronze Raessae, Cadoc doubted his abilities for a very long time, and it was only after he became friends with Ascian Thaerdroth that his confidence would begin to grow.

"Hatred is too strong of a feeling; it hurts everyone around it, bringing us down to their level. Pity is closer to what we should feel."
— Cadoc Godriath

Cadoc spent the first year of his consciousness in a small apartment attached to the Academy, learning directly from Rumentolth in a sterile environment that allowed for focus on training. While the Headmaster taught him everything he could, Cadoc's hunger for knowledge outstretched the teacher's capabilites, and Rumentolth was forced to let him out into the school proper to attend classes.

Once he began attending classes, he instantly befriended a young Viscan named Ascian. While Cadoc was on the Sorcerer path, Ascian was taking classes to become a Wizard. They quickly became friends, but in their second year, Ascian's natural inquisitiveness revealed the dark secret that Cadoc kept so closely: he had been born a Viscan, and was being transformed into a Raessae as a genetic experiment by Headmaster Rumentolth.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Cadoc's training lessons with the Headmaster of Zareya's were not all they appeared to be to the students and staff of the school. Each lesson, the Headmaster would use magic to manipulate Cadoc's genetics, an extremely rare and painful process, slowly transforming Cadoc from a Viscan to a Raessae. Cadoc hoped to grow more powerful from the exercises, and trusted Ascian with this secret, but the knowledge of Cadoc's torture angered Ascian.

Ascian searched the stacks of Zareya's library, and found an Agraeyan writing of Spark Twinning, a process that binds Sparks together. In secret, they performed the ritual, swearing to protect and defend each other against all ills. Unbeknownst to Cadoc, Ascian changed the ritual, binding him to Cadoc, but not Cadoc to him. When Cadoc was confused and thought the ritual didn't work, Ascian allowed him to believe it.

As they plotted, Cadoc's lessons were forced to continue, the both of them too unskilled to change anything - yet. The years continued, and their little rebellion grew, adding Avyanna Iarastraad and Psyga Woldrin, two students of Zareya's. Cadoc's power grew, but so did Ascian's.

"My bloodline is irrelevant to my value."
— Cadoc Godriath

Eventually, in their fourth year, Ascian was able to gather enough evidence against the Zareyan Headmaster to displace him from his seat at the Academy, forcing him into exile. Despite the end of his lessons, Cadoc continued to train in secret, not knowing that Ascian could feel his growth in power. When Ascian discovered Cadoc's continued - and self-inflicted - torture, he revealed his falsehood about the ritual they had performed so many years before. This created a rift between the two that never quite healed.

Eventually becoming close friends again after the return of the Headmaster, Ascian and Cadoc bonded together with Avyanna and Psyga to destroy the careful structure created by the highborn of Estrana, going to battle both physical and political. Their rebellion against the school cost them their last year and graduation, but changed the society of Estrana forever, raising the lower classes from poverty to prosperity. When the Magic War finally ended after almost two years, Cadoc completed his schooling along with his friends, allowed to return as heroes and revered scholars.


Cadoc's ultimate goal since his awakening has always been the same: become strong enough to depend on himself, and free himself from whatever holds him back.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Talents & Skills

  • Cadoc's fire-breathing ability garnered him much attention from the strength-based paths at Zareya's.
  • His draconic magic gave him a strong advantage over learned casters.
  • Few knew this, but his neverending bravery helped him through many situations most would have fled from.


Cadoc's education was thorough, despite its brevity. Rumentolth made sure he was studying every spare moment he could, and often gave him extracirricular activities to keep him busy when his nose wasn't buried in books.

Character Questions

What does this character not yet know?
He was actually born as a Viscan, and turned into a Raessae by the Headmaster himself.

What does this character know that they would never admit?
He needs his friends more than they need him.

In what or whom does the character have the greatest faith?

Secret wish?
To see what he would have looked like as an adult Viscan.

Proudest achievement?
Leaving behind the man who raised him.

Deepest regret?
Leaving behind the man who raised him.

Greatest fear?
Losing his friends.

Most devastating moment?
Watching Ascian kill Headmaster Rumentolth.

Why is this character angry?
Because his whole life was a lie - at least the few years he experienced. The rest were taken from him.

What calms them?
Ascian. He helps to bring the rage back to a simmer.

What is this character hiding from themselves?
That he really does need his friends to help him survive - he is weaker than he thinks.

What is the best thing that could happen to them?
Be turned back to a Viscan so he can live a normal life.

Worst thing?
Be stuck in the feeling of a genetics session forever.

Who do they try to be?
He tries to be the best parts of Headmaster Rumentolth, but eventually begins to look up to Ascian more and more.


More on Zareya's

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Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney & Canva


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Jul 10, 2024 18:45 by jyliet of the house

Ruthless Headmaster to experiment on a child! I'm glad Cadoc grew up to have such good friends, although Ascian really did betray his trust...   Also a tiny typo: "Because his whole life was a life"

Jul 10, 2024 22:41 by Icarus Crow

Fixed the typo! Cadoc gets his happy ending, and his friends do too! Sometimes all we need is a little communication haha