First Peace Treaty Document in Tethered Realms | World Anvil

First Peace Treaty

Article contains description of child death.

When the War of the Gods first broke out, mortals were still Undying. They lived long, fulfilling lives with their Gods, worshiping the Pantheon with joy and peace in their hearts. When the Unfavorable Gods were born, emerging from the center of Melarah with rage and vengeance, all hell broke loose.

The War

Few mortals expected what would occur when the War of the Gods began, only able to watch as the battle tore rifts across the Continent. While the Gods fought amongst themselves, the mortals struggled for survival, leaving their homes and lives behind to seek shelter far away from the Godcities, where the violence was most concentrated. As the War raged on, it grew more and more aggressive, leaving little space for the small, helpless mortals. Little did they know that the Undying would soon come to an end.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

The Murder

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

The War came to an abrupt end with the First Death, a young mortal girl caught in the Magical crossfire. As Eva and Festher fought over the Godcity of Melarah, a small Viscan child was trapped between them. Their rage was enough to take the young girl's life, and the First Death occurred on Visctheria. No one knows if the Magic came from the hand of the Goddess of Love, or the God of Hatred, but rumors stand strong even to this day. Some believe it was a combined blast of pure desperation, a beam of pure desperation, that simply went astray.

The Treaty

When Eva saw what they had done, She cried out, bringing a stop to the fighting. The Gods gathered around, watching as She knelt over the murdered mortal girl. Cradling her in Her arms, Eva demanded a ceasefire, declaring an end to the years of violence that had gripped the Continent. The Gods signed a treaty that came to be known as the First Peace, bringing an era of quiet that lasted until the Titans were born.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

More on the Treaty

While no mortal eyes have seen the First Peace Treaty, thousands of theories exist as to what the heavenly document said. Some say it was a lengthy document constraining the Gods, forcing them to hold their hatred at bay, and truly bringing balance to the world as intended by Udis all along. Some say it is simply a page of signatures, no words needed for the atrocities they had committed. Some even say there was no document at all, simply a verbal agreement amongst the Pantheon.

No matter the many rumors and theories, the First Peace lasted almost a thousand years, until the birth of the Titans, again by the mind of Udis. The end of that Peace was more violent than any conflict Visctheria had ever seen.

More on the Visctherian Pantheon

More on the Deific Age

Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney & Canva


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Jul 2, 2024 04:13 by jyliet of the house

What a devastating tragedy to inspire such an important document.