Tag Overview

Universal Tags

Articles by Date


2X refers to Year Written, may appear as 23, 24, 25, etc.

QX refers to Quarter Written, may appear as Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4.

Example Tags:

Articles by Template


Xtemp refers to Template Type, may appear as general, building, character, condition, conflict, document, ethnicity, geography, item, etc.

Example Tags:

Completed Articles A-Z

#complete X

Complete X refers to completed article and first letter of article name, may appear as complete a, complete b, complete c, etc.

Example Tags:
#complete a#complete z

Challenge Tags

Summer Camp

#challenge summer camp XX/#scXX

#summer camp denotes an Overview Article.

XX refers to year the article was published for SC.

Example Tags:
#challenge summercamp 24#sc24#sc25


#challenge worldember XX/#weXX

#worldember denotes an Overview Article.

XX refers to year the article was published for WE.

Example Tags:
#we24#challenge worldember 23#we25

Unofficial Challenges

#challenge unofficial XX

XX refers to the year article was published for Unofficial Challenge Month.

Example Tags:
#challenge unofficial 24
#challenge unofficial 25


#challenge spooktober XX/#spookXX

#challenge spooktober denotes an Overview Article.

XX refers to year the article was published for Spooktober.

Example Tags:
#challenge spooktober 24#spook25#spook26


#wawa XX (nom/won)

XX refers to Year Submitted.

(nom/won) refers to Article Nominated/Article Won.

Example Tags:
#wawa 24 nom#wawa 25 won#wawa 23

Other Challenges

#challenge Y XX

Y denotes what month challenge took place.

XX refers to year article was published for Y challenge.

Example Tags:
#challenge september 23
#challenge february 24

Special Tags


#pantheon X Y

X refers to Planet that Pantheon is from.

Y refers to first letter of Deity name.

Example Tags:
#pantheon visctheria a#pantheon anduar z


#character X Y

X refers to story they inhabit.

Y refers to first letter of Article name.

Example Tags:
#character gen a#character tlc r#character zareya's c



#flora X

X refers to first letter of Article name.

Example Tags:
#flora b#flora t#flora m


#fauna X

X refers to first letter of Article name.

Example Tags:
#fauna d#fauna f#fauna z


#sapient X

X refers to first letter of Article name.

Example Tags:
#sapient v#sapient a#sapient l

Location Tags

Cradle Tags

#Cradle X Y

Cradle X refers to Cradle article is based in.

Y refers to first letter of Article Name.

Example Tags:
#margeh a#ismek r#tiemard z

Solar System Tags

#X System Y

X System refers to System article is based in.

Y refers to first letter of Article Name.

Example Tags:
#visctherian system a
#viscanian system c

World Tags

#Planet X Y

Planet X refers to Planet article is based in.

Y refers to first letter of Article Name.

Example Tags:
#visctheria a#anduar n

Stub Tags

High Priority

#stub-high X

X refers to first letter of Article name.

Example Tags:
#stub-high v#stub-high a

Medium Priority

#stub-med X

X refers to first letter of Article name.

Example Tags:
#stub-med m#stub-med h

Low Priority

#stub-low X

X refers to first letter of Article name.

Example Tags:
#stub-low i#stub-low p

Other Tags


#(d)featured 20XX

20XX refers to year the article was featured by WA.

(d) included refers to article being featured on WA Discord.

Example Tags:
#d featured 2024#featured 2025



Meta refers to Article being outside of story canon.

Example Tags:

Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney & Canva


Author's Notes

My Tag Overview was inspired by some amazing other authors on WA, including Mochimanoban, Those2Nerds, and Nnie!

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Jul 7, 2024 17:10 by CoolG

Neat AND organized! Me likey ^^

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Jul 7, 2024 17:16 by Icarus Crow

Organization is my thing!

It's Summer Camp time!!! ~ Icarus