Warmongrel Vehicle in Tethered Realms | World Anvil


The Warmongrels brought only death. No living thing should move like that, trapped in a case of metal and murder. Just because you can make something beyond its years, doesn't mean you should.
Lady Lianore Thallia


Invented by a Warlord of Priquish - a brutal Irolucian by the name of Salstix Xintalin - Warmongrels were created with the purpose of invading Everia and Salman. Built to bring destruction and death, the first Warmongrel was piecemealed together in 3783 BI, and put to the test on Everian soil the following year.


by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Built from the strongest strains of Irolian Steel, the Warmongrels were pieced together chaotically, not carefully. Few could recreate the god-sent inspiration that Xintalin must have had, for the science behind the machine was still undiscovered. A moving metal box that rolled on round wheels was simply unheard of at the time, and was still rare when the surface of Visctheria became no longer safe. Early in the Heroic Age, the Warmongrels emerged from the mind of a villain, and began to leave their mark on the world.


The blood of Salman spills on Priquish soil this day, and there are none who can stop it. Not even me.

The Warmongrels were extremely prolific in their wanton destruction of their enemies. They wreaked havoc, and brought chaos down on both Salmanian and Everian cities. The Invasion of Everia lasted for almost four years, plunging Everia into a Dark Age that kept its grip on the country for nearly a century. In just four years, Priquish did enough damage that it took twenty times that period to heal.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney & Canva


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