
Thrice-Faced (a.k.a. Lord of Deception, Lord of Murder, Lord of Secrets, Lord of 6th Archspire)

Dantanian, often perceived as the lowest-ranked among the Archdevils, may, in fact, be orchestrating a cunning ruse to ensnare those foolish enough to challenge him. He is the master of deception, bearing the ominous title of the Thrice-Faced, and his trustworthiness is a rare commodity. Dantanian is known for his willingness to betray even his fellow Archdevils within their shared schemes. It remains a perplexing enigma why his infernal brethren have not banded together to rid themselves of this treacherous entity. However, Dantanian operates cunningly within the bounds of infernal law, earning him the reputation as one of the most devilish among them all.   Among his many endeavors, Dantanian actively seeks out any soul willing to enter into a pact with him, for in his intricate plans, he believes that every soul possesses a unique purpose that can be harnessed to serve his ambitions.
Divine Classification
Major Entity, Archdevil


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