Hellish Spire

Source Planes: Evil‌, Law

A Major Plane between Source Planes of Evil and Law. From afar it looks like a neverending spire reaching to the stars. The closer you get, the more defined it will look, as it is really comprised of thousand structures, grouped into spires. The plane of the Devils has 666 Spires. Each Spire is like a small kingdom for the devil controlling it, and he has control over its very nature. There can't exist more than 666 Spires, so if a new can be created, a different one must be destroyed. There can be a situation that none is destroyed or there isn't anybody ready to be ranked up (impossible since every Devil wants advancement in the hellish hierarchy), which it will make it random - a Lemure might become a Pit Fiend suddenly, so it is in the best interest of the Devils to keep track of everything that goes around in the Spires.   There are 600 Spires called Lesser Spires. Each controlled by a Pit Fiend or other Greater Devil. These Spires have a specific purpose like a hellish tavern for hundreds of thousands of guests, torturing souls or even producing weapons for the Devils. Next are Greater Spires, which are 60 of them. These are ruled by Dukes, a powerful Devils (almost always Pit Fiends) that are generals to the armies of hell or powerful players, just under Archdevils. Each Greater Spire grants benefits to the owner. They can have warlocks, start their own cults, change the nature of their Spire at will, etc. There can be a moment when an Archdevil controls a Greater Spire, meaning they lost a lot of their reputation and influence but their status as Archdevil still remained. The other 6 Spires are called Archspires, which are controlled by Archdevils. Each a kingdom in its own right. Most Pacts go to the Archdevils and they control a lot of whats going on in the Hellish Spire. Under each Archspire there are about 10 Greater Spires and in turn, under each Greater Spire, there are about 10 Lesser Spires. These numbers fluctuate over time. However, once a Greater Spire has less than 6 Lesser Spires or an Archspire has less than 6 Greater Spires, it will lose its status and start to crumble down. From afar it can look like the Hellish Spire is a living being, always a spire going up or down. Over all of this, there exists one more spire, which is called the Spire Summit or Hell's Summit. Another kingdom, greater than any of the Archspires, ruled by the Lord of Hells himself. This spire can never crumble, as that would be the end of the Hellish Spire and devilkind, however, the owner might change.

List of Archdevils and their Spires

  • Cerrinf Nulgrimsota - Prince of Hell, Lord of Spire Summit
  • Moloch - Fury of Hell, Lord of 1st Archspire
  • Baalzebul - Prince of Plans, Lord of 2nd Archspire
  • Mammon - Greediest, Lord of 3rd Archspire
  • Fierna - Lady of Succubi, Lord of 4th Archspire
  • Arbeyach - Prince of Swarms, Lord of 5th Archspire
  • Dantanian - Thrice-faced, Lord of 6th Archspire

List of Known Dukes (Greater Spires)

Dimensional plane


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