Emergence Race: Chronotouched

The enigmatic race of the Chronotouched is new to many. They look humanoid, appearing similar to other races of Tethys, however, they are spectral, which some confuse them with Chrombies or other undead. Their bodies produce an element called Chronostasis, which is like their skin, dark in tone. They can shed it or lose it and after a couple of moments, the torn part will turn to dust and disappear. They come to this world confused, seeing many timelines at the same time, trying to focus on one, which is very short for them. Their life expectancy is counted in months, if not years, as they cannot belong to many worlds at the same time, thus the only way they can prolong their existence on Tethys, they need to feast on time given to them by other intelligent creatures. Those creatures that have souls can gift a Chronotouched their life essence, shortening their own life span in the process. There is another way, more drastic, thus the first Chronotouched that came was quickly thought of as monsters and it is to kill another creature that has a soul. However, the time gained through this process varies and it might just be days.    The race came to the Material Plane after The Chronoplague started and they are believed to come from the Timescar, however, Chronotouched can be found in other places as well, thus this is just speculation. Their first appearance was dreadful as scared Chronotouched started to hunt other races to expand their life span and quickly were thought of as another version of Chrombies, the chrono zombies and hunted down en masse. Decades later, their opinion was risen slightly but still many see them as monsters. They can try to blend in with society thanks to their Chronostasis that covers their whole bodies, making them more eccentric to some but still seen with distrust.  

On Tethys

Chronotouched try to find their own place in the world. Many of them individualistic, searching for reason they are in this timeline and trying to return to their own race. They have memories of past timelines, lives they lived and many of them are contradictory. This confusing mess allows or more like makes them to focus on the present and the future. They are an arcane curiosity and many magic users want to study them. Some evil wizards will try to catch a Chronotouched as their bodies are filled with unique energies, possibly from the Weave of Time. There are speculations that with gathered energies from their bodies you could enter the Weave and change it how you like.  

First World

There were no Chronotouched in the First World. However, some Chronotouched can confirm that they have memories of that place and their lives there.


Ability Score Increase Choose one +2; Choose any other +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Hourglass Race. Choose a living race besides this one. You appear as a spectral version of it. Your size, height, and movement speed are the same as a typical member of that race. You do not retain special movement speeds from this race (such as swimming or flying), and, though you may choose to have formerly been a member of a subrace of a particular race, you derive no benefits from doing so.   Hourglass Age. Chronotouched come to life as adults. Their life expectancy is known to the individual, on average is a couple of years. However, they are able to increase their life span by taking life essence from other intelligent races, either by force (by killing them) or gifted. If another creature gifts a Chronotouched their life force, their life span descreases on a 1 to 1 ratio, thus a human giving one year of their life to a Chronotouched will die one year sooner than they would have. It is unknown if that makes unpredictable events happen sooner or not.   Alignment. Chronotouched tend toward no particular alignment as their lives are in shambles, living in many timelines at the same time.   Size. Chronotouched's size is based on their Hourglass Race choice.   Haunting Visage. You have an advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks whenever your face is revealed.   Visions of Past. You can see past events that happened in the area you are standing. You use an action to enter a trance that moves your perception into the past about ten minutes. You can see what happened in those ten minutes, each minute taking one minute of the trance. If you are disturbed by a rough motion, you automatically stop the trance. Once you use this trait, you can't do it again until you make a long rest.   Timeline Change. After reaching 5th level, you can change the timeline you are in. Choose one check that is made, up to 30 feet from you, and it must be rerolled. If you d20s are rolled, the creature that makes the reroll chooses which die to reroll. Once you use this trait, you can't do it again until you make a long rest.   Jaunting Timelines. You jump between timelines, looking like you are in different places at the same time. You can make the Dodge action as a bonus action, however, you can't make any Attack, Cast Spell, drink potions or use magical items in the same turn.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice based on your Hourglass Race choice.


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