First World Theory Myth in Tethys | World Anvil

First World Theory

The Theory was created in 3rd Age, The Kingdoms by Zemvoj, a powerful mage and Chronomancer. He stipulated that the timeline in Tethys isn't what it seems, like it was artificial, meaning somebody or something created it. Maybe what people know of the 1st Age, The Titan War isn't real or it happened differently? This was received poorly and Zemvoj was treated like a madman. Not even his friends, other Chronomancers, would agree to this theory, while all churches would denounce it as blasphemy. Zemvoj would live out his life in solitude, ending it in the next Age fighting. The theory would live on without him. Some speculate that this time was needed to make it a Divine Concept or even a Theory. Lives that he saved would spread his message and even many years later it would still be known to the academic world.   When The Second Divergence happened all war revealed, the First World existed! Many new people arrived with legends, stories about the First World. TheĀ First Gods were heroes of the previous world that saved it and created Tethys. A new landmass, Forgotten Lands appeared with cities and towns from the First World. His theory was correct. But was it really? Faith is a powerful weapon and many point to what happened 20 years later - The Chronoplague as to why this was madman's theory. Chrombie, the Chronoplague and more are reasons why many defy the theory as nothing but a lie and a dangerous lie, since it was the faith of people that created this.


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