
Evergreen is the enchanting realm of the Fey, often envisioned as an endless forest with trees as tall as mountains. In this realm, dreams materialize, and fairy tales come to life. The emotions of living beings from the Material Plane influence Evergreen as they traverse through to the Tapestry, making the Fey deeply fascinated with the lives of mortals, far more so than other planar beings. Dominating the hierarchy of the Fey are the Archfey, who preside over the Seelie and Unseelie courts. The Seelie Fey, celebrating life, are associated with spring and summer, while the Unseelie Fey, who venerate death, are linked to autumn and winter. The most eminent among them is the Prince of Neverending Branches. Magic in Evergreen is unique and potent, affecting mortals who venture there in unpredictable ways. Time in Evergreen can warp drastically compared to the Material Plane, with mere moments in this realm potentially translating to seconds or stretching into years in the mortal world.
Dimensional plane


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