Godslayer Sword

The Godslayer Sword is an ancient artifact from the Second Age, Godswar. It is said that it was wielded by a powerful Celesti during the Godswar and he slew many fiends with it. The sword is described to gather the energies of gods by itself, safeguarding the user from divine intervention and enabling him to not only harm but also to kill a god. Thankfully, it was used by a being of pure good. In the end, however, the sword couldn't keep up with all the stored energies of the Godswar, it needed to kill a god or two, unleash it but the Celesti never used it like that, allowing the sword to gorge up with magic. During a grand battle between the forces on the Godforge Lands the sword was used too many times and it finally broke, unleashing such cataclysmic energies that it shattered the continent into two (Azura plus Arakhor and Sailan), killing untold millions of souls and ending the Godswar. The sword is speculated to survive the explosion, maybe in pieces that still hold a part of its energies.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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