Second Age, Godswar


  While the Titan War concerned mainly powerful beings, that stood hundreds of meters tall (some even bigger than that), the Second Age focused on the mortals themselves as they were forced to take a part in the Godswar. Most of the conflict took place in the lands known as Godforge Lands, while the others became proxies or havens of the war. The mortals were forced to take sides, which were many. It is speculated that there were ten times or more Divine begins as there are now in the Fifth Age, Current Age. Many lost due to no recorded history, some Greater Deities could have been lost as well. While the Gods fought over worship, their allies fought a more ancient war - the Blood War. The Celestials and Fiends continued their war, between good and evil. Having the Dragons join their conflict as well, while they had their claws filled with Elves. Many changes to the mortals were made during this time, new races were created, even more variety that was (speculated) in the First Age. When The Great Clash happened, the most powerful gods understood that it is enough and sealed the Material Plane. Starting the Third Age, Kingdoms.


A period of thousands of years

  • After Chronos Divergence
    Emergence of New and Old Gods
    Era beginning/end

    When the Weave of Time stabilized, new (and old) Gods appeared. With Titans imprisoned a war of resources was brewing.

    Additional timelines
  • -9998 G.E.

    The Cube's Crack

    The world of Tethys opens up for many planar beings, especially Celestial, Demon or Devil. Their leaders (like the Archdevils) enter the world with ease sparking a great war of faith. Many Demigods and True Gods will be born as mortals seek a higher power to save them.

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  • -9996 G.E.

    The Elder War
    Military action

    A war breaks between the Dragons and Elves. Nobody knows who really started it, both sides point the finger to the other one. The main opponents of this conflict are the Wise One and the Jade Emperor. This conflict would see many deaths on both sides and would continue until the end of the Godswar.

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  • -9995 G.E.

    The Dwarven Word

    The Dwarves split into two races - Duergar (known also as the Ash Dwarves) and Azer (known as the Ember Dwarves). This is due to the imprisonment of their creator - Father of the Forge and the coming of the Forge Pantheon (the Dwarven Pantheon). The Azer escape to the Plane of Fire, while the Duergar hide underground, fearing the wrath of the Gods.

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  • -9994 G.E.

    War of the Elements
    Military action

    The Divine King announces himself as the ruler of all. While most would ignore this, some would be provoked to action. One such group of gods was the Elemental Forces who would deny the Divine King his rulership over the very nature. This conflict would ravage the whole Old World continent and continue to brew for a very long time.

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  • -9993 G.E.

    Rise of the Usurpers
    Military action

    A group of mortals would achieve the status of Demigods and would use these newfound powers to wage war against other gods, trying to steal their powers. This conflict would touch every continent in the world of Tethys. In time their numbers would swell, as well as their courage as their targets would be even The First Gods themselves.

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  • -9990 G.E.

    The Dwarven Cleasing

    Some of the Azer and Duergar dwarves defy their brothers and sisters and start to worship the Forge Pantheon. A cival war erupts between the planes with the Gods intervening, spiriting away their worshippers. The Azer dwarves were moved to the hills and deserts, turing into the Hill Dwarves, while the Duergar were spirited to the plains and mountains, turning into the Mountain Dwarves.

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  • -9988 G.E.

    War of the Half-heart
    Military action

    A great war broke out after the First Age, The Titan War between the Halfling tribes. It would see many of them dead, easy pickings for more powerful beings. The war stopped thanks to an intervention of the Translucent Traveler.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • -9987 G.E.

    Ascension of the Great Avatar
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A mortal human calling himself Great Avatar ascends to become a True God of paladins. As his first objective, he turns to Vecna as his target, trying to get rid of him and maybe take his powers. The allies of the Great Avatar would be known for millennia to come as the first paladins.

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  • -9984 G.E.

    The Divine Smite
    Disaster / Destruction

    The conflict between the Divine King and Elemental Forces was peaking and the greater power was running out of options. Using all of his might he smote the gods of elements, forcing their retreat. This wasn't without cost as the Old World would change, almost one third of it falling into water creating the Great Islands.

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  • -9982 G.E.

    The Great Rupture
    Disaster / Destruction

    Nearing the end of the Elder War, the dragons used their powers to take control over the Foundation Pillars and with them creating disasters on the continent of Archeron. This was a ploy to lure out the Wise One and the other Elven gods, however, it didn't work. The elves saw through the treachery and retreated before the powers of the Pillars was used against them. Not having a target, the force hit the continent rupturing it. Most of it survived but the rest fell into the deep waters, while other parts formed the Elven Lands and Lands of Storm.

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  • -9980 G.E.

    The Great Clash
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the Godforge Lands continent, the armies of Celestials and Fiends clash in one last battle of the age. This was the defining moment as there wasn't a time such a huge force amassed in one region and the artifact known as the Godslayer Sword was used. One of the Fey wanted to stop the battle by stealing the sword and breaking it. This sealed the fate of the continent as the energies from the battle and the artifact annihilated almost all forces and split the continent.

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  • -9979 G.E.

    The Resealing
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the destruction of the Godswar, the gods decided that they have to stop or there won't be any lands to rule over. The First Gods were the main proponents of the idea and with their powers they were able to enhance the Foundation Pillars, closing all rifts to the other planes and changing the world forever.

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