Judges of Three

Beings of Law

While there exists a god of the law and judgment, the Judges of Three are Law energies manifest. Those beings that come to them to make deals, pacts or oaths, make them so much power that even the gods themselves can't break them (Wishes can't undo them too). The Judges can also judge a mortal being on the behest of others and while they cannot make punishments, those that would be imposed become just and anything is done to the prisoner over that will harm the jailer in some way. As there are stories of Celestial wanting to judge a creature, bringing it before the Judges and once they proclaimed the punishment, the Celestial would feel that it is too small (or even they could be proclaimed innocent). If the Celestial then tried to harm the creature or impose a bigger punishment, they would be punished instead, sometimes by being destroyed or turned into their opposite (a Fiend). Judges of Three have a god visiting them - Blind Judge and they tend to work together on these issues.
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