Sacred Courtroom

Source Planes: Law

Those that seek the judgment of beings even powerful than the Gods themselves, maybe even overturning a divine judgment, they can come to the Sacred Courtroom. Here the Judges of Three will listen to your plea, no matter if you are a Fiend, Celestial, or a mortal, they will listen to your plea. After their verdict, it will be set into the eternal judgment and every being that would try to overturn it or give a harsher punishment, will be instead punished. Many truly Lawful beings work here, especially those in the service of the Blind Judge, as he made this place his frequent visit, maybe even his home. There is a story of a Celestial seeking a judgment for a Fiend but he was judged with a small punishment. So small that the Celestial brought him for a harsher one, only to be punished for doing so, changing him into one of the Fiends.
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