
A Hill Dwarf nation known for their exquisite alcohol. They took lands promised by humans centuries ago and built their own country of Limâr-ilir. They are the biggest producer of beer, cider, rum, whiskey, vodka, and many more variations of alcohol they are. Many traders come to the shores of the nations, not only to try their goods but also to sign trade deals as the dwarves are picky with whom they trade.  


Long ago, during the Third Age, Kingdoms, an ancient Vendel king was given a feast. During that feast, he tasted alcohol so smooth, it made him interested in its origins. The trader who provided this cider told the king he made it and was made the king's confidant. The truth was different, a hill dwarf named Amas Darkthrone was the brewer and he made it in secret for the trader as per his deal with him. When the truth was revealed, both were taken before the king and the trader was accused of lying to the king about being the creator. Amas was angry but didn't speak a word, the king saw it and asked the dwarf to change his employer, to work for the king. The dwarf declined, Amas told the king he can't be his brewer as he already made a deal with the trader and his word is the only thing he has. The king was impressed, especially after many subsequent requests and even orders by the king himself, thus he ordered the trader to be executed on the spot. Amas didn't object and kept quiet, remembering how his "friend" lied to the king about him. After that moment, Amas made a deal with the king and became his personal brewer. Amas would serve him until he would die of old age and on his deathbed, the king made a promise to Amas. "After I'm gone, my friend, you will receive lands aplenty, as far as the eyes can see, where your family will prosper making alcohol for the ages, the spear that will bring greatness to us all." These last words were written but Amas never took upon the promise, only telling the next king that he might, one day, come to take upon it. Millenia would pass after this moment, Amas in that time made a great family, counting in the thousands. After the Fourth Age, The Calamity, many of his descendants were starving and found themselves in the Stjorheim region. They decided to enter the Speargulf area and demanded the ports be opened to them as per the promise of the long lost king. The people and their leaders declined for many years to help the dwarves. Desperate, the Darkthrone Clan attacked the towns, taking over many of them, just before the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age ended. When new Vendel came, they demanded the ports back but were met with opposition. There were many skirmishes over the decades but none were successful. In the end, Vendel capitulated the ports to the clan, and peace was brokered, where the towns were given to the dwarves per the ancient promise. At the time and many years after, the people of Vendel felt betrayed over this deal but the dwarves won them offer as not needed to constantly war over their lands, they could concentrate on what is important - alcohol. Now, nearly two centuries later, the people of Vendel completely forgot the massacres that took place and treat the dwarves as their best allies of the mug.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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