Third Age, Kingdoms


  A blessing in disguise. After the Celestials and Fiends left, the mortals finally had time for their own plots and politics. While their lives were still influenced by the Gods, most of their actions were of their own volition. The start of the Third Age was rocky as many conflicts and wars were brought by advancements and religious beliefs, it would take nearly a thousand years before all major conflicts would cease and the continents were able to rebuild. More strife would come later but never such long and tiring. These times are known as the "best" Age for mortals as the advancements in technology and magic allowed people to live their lives to the fullest. Bringing the most powerful empire, Archadian Empire to become the world's first superpower, unmatched by anyone and through their magical discovery of Arcanite, they were able to create such marvels of Magitech that would change the world for the better. While many thought a new Age was coming, the Age of Arcanum, the Fourth Age, it really wasn't. The blessing in disguise was "relative peace" as the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned.

Great Migration

0 B.P. 200 A.P.

  • 1 G.M.

    20 G.M.

    War-torn Souls
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Godswar ended. The gods and their armies retreated to the planes. For the first time in a very long while, Tethys is at peace. Creatures travel around, trying to find their place. Many start new families, while most try their best to survive in this new broken world.

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  • 21 G.M.

    150 G.M.

    Shaping of Old Lands
    Construction beginning/end

    Mortals finally free from constant conflict make their way to start building a new world for themselves. Villages form that turn into towns. Many generations would pass for Humans, while the long-lived races would stay in their homes, still living the nightmares of the Godswar. When they would leave their shelters, the world would be changed even for them.

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  • 151 G.M.

    200 G.M.

    Trade Established
    Political event

    Continents flourish thanks to establishing trade between major towns and cities. While they would stay ignorant of each other, they could still the nearby scars that the Godswar wrought upon them and it would make them wary of establishing long distance contact.

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Rise of Kingdoms

201 A.P. 500 A.P.

  • 18 K.E.

    519 K.E.

    Founding of Blood

    A new race of humans emerges calling themselves the Goldbloods and with patronage from the Divine King himself, they would build the foundation of their new empire - Divine Kingdom.

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    Divine Empire
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  • 48 K.E.

    Elven Journey
    Cultural event

    The elves of the Old World learn about the fate of the Elven Lands. Most of this information is left unsaid to other mortals, the elves travel to their homelands in secret. Only very few decide to do so as they do not want to see the horrible fate the Godswar brought on them.

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    Elven Lands
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  • 48 K.E.

    1201 K.E.

    Rise of Ossyria

    The foundation of the Ossyria kingdom ruled by the God-Kings of Ossyria. It would take them over a thousand years to fully unite the Azura desert and become a mighty empire. This process would end in the last battle called Drowning of the Duat, where he nomadic tribes (steered by Demons and Devils) were finally defeated.

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Thousand Year War

501 A.P. 1506 A.P.

  • 0 T.Y.W.

    1005 T.Y.W.

    Wars around the Globe
    Military action

    Wars break out between the tribes and kingdoms of the world. No matter where it was, blood was spilled. Many fought for survival, while others for dominance. During nearly one thousand years of conflict, it is assumed that millions died due to purges and strife.

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  • 50 T.Y.W.

    Rise of Warrior-Kings

    Many tribes, city-states and kingdoms are united under Krom's warband. With this action he becomes the first Warrior-King and founds the Isagorth kingdom that will once rule 1/3 of the Old World.

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  • 200 T.Y.W.

    Celestial Elven Alliance
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After major conflicts between the elves in the Elven Lands, the gods decide to take the matter into their own hand by creating an elven pantheon. Ruled by the Wise One and Savioress. This stops all conflict in those lands for millennia, as it becomes holy land for many of the elves.

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    Elder Pantheon
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  • 200 T.Y.W.

    800 T.Y.W.

    Ravagers of Godswar
    Military action

    Life in the Azura and Arakhor continents isn't pleasant. Many demons and devils still roam the lands. They hid for hundreds of years, choosing this moment to strike. While Azura would be struck mainly by Demons, the Arakhor people would be subjugated by the Devils. It would take generations of people to finally have peace.

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  • 250 T.Y.W.

    350 T.Y.W.

    Following the Dragon's Tail

    A great war would start in the Sailan continent as dragons would rage upon the lands, trying to unite them under their banner. This conflict would mark the beginning of the Jadeite Empire as only one can survive in the end.

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    Jadeite Empire
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  • 250 T.Y.W.

    300 T.Y.W.

    Subjugation of Elements
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Godswar ended for the mortals, at least that's what they hoped. A new conflict brewed in the Old World, where the Elemental Forces Pantheon rebelled against the mortals. For dozens of years, the mortals had to fend off elementals until the Divine King intervened and subjugated the pantheon.

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  • 300 T.Y.W.

    699 T.Y.W.

    Shadow War of Arakhor
    Military action

    For many, the Shadow War was a dark time in the Arakhor as a massive force of Shadow Elves returned to the continent and waged a war like no other. No Tieflings of that time were prepared what was to become. Over the centuries, the elves gained land after land. The last battle in the Despair Mountains was cataclysmic. The forces of Veilishaar were stationed in dozens of fortresses in the mountains and were ready to assault the demonic tribes in the east when the earth rumbled and a powerful spell exploded the mountain range. Crippled, the war turned back and the Tieflings of Arakhor were able to drive back the army of darkness back to their forest but they weren't able to defeat them at their own home turf, instead building great walls around it to stop further invasions.

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  • 400 T.Y.W.

    Hippity Hoppity
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Wanting to lessen strife to the lesser races, the gods of Gnomes and Halflings meet up to create a truce amongst them. In the time it would flourish to something more. Translucent Traveler becomes the leader of the Little Folk's Home pantheon.

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    Little Folk's Home
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  • 500 T.Y.W.

    600 T.Y.W.

    Conflict of Blood
    Military action

    The Divine Kingdom tried its best to unite many tribes around it, however, inner conflict around religion, the Divine Court and political intrigue brought it to its knees. The great Divine Kingdom, after a hundred years of the civil war, was in no shape to fight and it would take many generations before it would regain its glory.

    Old World
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    Divine Empire
  • 500 T.Y.W.

    Undeath Cometh

    The amount of conflict and death would bring many to live again as undead. Most of these would come back as Ghols. Prosecuted, they would retreat west and form their own country called Lepidia. This is the moment that Vecna, who is attributed for creating the Ghol race, gains the Death portfolio.

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Era of Rediscovery

1501 A.P. 1600 A.P.

  • 33 E.o.R.

    The Great Reunion Feast
    Diplomatic action

    The Halflings' tribes were united again, thanks to the wanderlust of their Lightfoot brethren. They would organize many feasts all around the world and thanked the Translucent Traveler for making them survive the millennia. This marked the moment that the goddess became recognized as the true patron of the race.

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  • 48 E.o.R.

    1048 E.o.R.

    The Dawi Way
    Construction beginning/end

    The dwarves begun their grand project - Dawi Way, a megastructure build beneath Tethys in Undertethys. At first, it took them 100 years to carve tunnels between major cities but as the dwarves are specific creatures, they didn't stop and continued. After 1000 years, all dwarven cities in the Old World, Venland and Azura were connected with underground passages that were not only grand but the major reason for huge profits for the dwarven race.

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    Dawi Way
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1601 A.P. 1680 A.P.

  • 0 D.W.

    79 D.W.

    Military action

    The Jadeite Empire launched an invasion upon the Old World. Their ships would not only attack the continent from the east but also from the west. Led by dragons, their armies were vast and the kingdoms in the Old World weren't united like the Jade. The conflict would see many kingdoms fallen, millions dead and countless treasures plundered by the invading hordes. Those surviving would band together, forming greater nations to fight against them like the Divine Kingdom, Isagorth and Lepidia. However, even they were unmatched by the ferocity of their new enemies. It wasn't until it rained... sand, that the enemies would retreat.

    Old World
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Rain of Sand

1681 A.P. 1780 A.P.

  • 0 R.o.S.

    99 R.o.S.

    Rain of Sand
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the invasion of Jadeite Empire it started to rain sand. This devasted the lands not only in the Old World but also in Sailan and other continents. While the rain itself didn't last many years, the repercussions would devastate the whole of Tethys for nearly one hundred years. It was quickly revealed that those behind the plot were the God-Kings of Ossyria and they were stopped by the forces of the Divine Kingdom. The Dragonswar saw millions dead to war, the Rain of Sand saw more dead around the globe as starvation and pestilence would take its place.

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Era of Peace

1781 A.P. 2060 A.P.

  • 0 E.o.P.

    Bright Future
    Population Migration / Travel

    When the lands returned to its former glory, the conflicts of old stopped. Even the mighty dragons of the Jadeite Empire stopped their conquests and reached peace with the nations of the Old World. It would take more than that to heal the old wounds but it was a start many sought out for and even more saw this as a chance to create a better world. This was the beginning of the era known as the Era of Peace.

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  • 100 E.o.P.

    Elder Alliance
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods of Elves and Dragons create an alliance that in time would become the Elder Pantheon. The main instigators are the Wise One and Gilded Hand, making some furious. One such person - Jade Emperor creates his own pantheon in spite (Chromatic Alliance), while another plots to undermine her father.

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    Elder Pantheon
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Ascension of the Mummy God

2061 A.P. 2080 A.P.

  • 0 A.o.M.G.

    19 A.o.M.G.

    Ascension of the Mummy God
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The high cleric of Ossyria uses the Foundation Pillar - Me'at'Ilimmu to achieve godhood. Setkuteth would be first and only mortal to use the powers of the Pillars to do so and with it would bring destruction upon Tethys. During these twenty years, clerics and paladins would lose access to their spells, gods would not answer prayers and travel from the Material Plane would be almost impossible. Another war with Ossyria started and many nations would join hands to fight against them but they were unable to be victorious. It wasn't until the people of Ossyria themselves mounted a rebellion against their new god, killing him at the Pillar. This, however, was a major mistake. With his death, his powers went rampant and destroyed major parts of the desert, killing millions, creating the place known as the Blasted Lands of Azura.

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Divine Unification Era

2081 A.P. 2320 A.P.

  • 0 D.U.E.

    240 D.U.E.

    Divine Unification War
    Military action

    Divine Kingdom saw an opportunity. The constant war and conflict in the Old World makes it weak, disorganized and easy prey for outside forces. Their leaders decide to unite the continent under their rule. Those that would bow down, would make vassals, while others would be forced by hand to join. The conflict took over two hundreds of years of constant conflict with Isagorth and Lepidia being the most troublesome to unite. While Isagorth would be wiped off the map, Lepidia surrendered and became a vassal state. The Divine Kingdom didn't allow necromancy but saw no other choice than to let the Ghols live their lives. After the conflict ended, the kingdom would become an Empire, having under its wings nearly 2/3 of the continent.

    Old World
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    Divine Empire
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  • 100 D.U.E.

    Founding of the Divine Court
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods - Divine King, Trinity and Divine Sword join forces creating the Divine Court pantheon and becomes worshipped by the majority of humans in the Old World.

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Black Powder Era

2321 A.P. 2480 A.P.

  • 0 B.P.E.

    Invention of Black Powder
    Discovery, Scientific

    Black Powder is invented by the people of the Seljuk Empire. At first, it was used on ships as cannons and over the years personal weapons showed up. This changed the face of the world and created more conflict and strife.

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    Black Powder
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Great Scourge

2481 A.P. 2540 A.P.

  • 0 G.S.

    59 G.S.

    Great Scourge
    Plague / Epidemic

    A major plague hits the world of Tethys called the Scourge Plague. It is able to kill the elderly within a day or two after contracting it. The plague spreads due to it being invisible, asymptomatic, as you don't show symptoms until it is too late. Holy men weren't able to stop it as it killed people en masse and shutting down travel barely helped. Many historians speculate the death toll was in millions and destroyed many economies. Some speculate that it killed nearly half of the world population.

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Foundation of Reason

2541 A.P. 2750 A.P.

  • 0 F.o.R.

    Unification of Archeron

    The kingdoms of Archeron unite under one banner and call themselves the Archadian Empire. Their goal is to promote knowledge, intellect, and magic. Many colleges and universities are built on the continent and divisions on others. The empire becomes the forefront of thought. Most attribute the success of their work against the Scourge Plague as the main reason they united.

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    Archadian Empire
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  • 209 F.o.R.

    A Father Betrayed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Elder Pantheon's elven side is shattered by inner conflict and war as the Wise One barely survives an assassination attempt by his daughter, Assassin. This is a prelude to a bigger conflict in Tethys.

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War of the Underworld

2751 A.P. 2770 A.P.

Atlas' Shift

2771 A.P. 2780 A.P.

  • 0 A.S.

    9 A.S.

    Great Quake
    Disaster / Destruction

    The War of the Underworld  didn't end with a decisive victory for the surface dwellers, instead of when they were about to win, the whole world trembled. And trembled. Earthquakes and tsunamis hit civilization, allowing the invaders to retreat as the surface would be the most hit by these disasters. Nobody really knew what was going on, until a group of elves saw the destruction upon the Atlas' Prison. It was obvious, the titan Atlas was planning something. The combined might of elves and dragons stopped Atlas from moving and enhanced his prison. To stop this from happening again, the Titan Watchers were created.

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    Titan Watchers
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  • 4 A.S.

    Banishment of Assassins
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Wise One and Savioress regain their powers and use them to banish their children - Assassin, Eternal Blade and Betrayed One. Instead of being stripped of powers, they found new allies in the Chromatic Alliance.

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    Chromatic Alliance
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  • 9 A.S.

    Solar Court and the Twins
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Not only mortals wanted to stop Atlas from shifting and wrecking havoc upon Tethys. The Sunlord used his energies to awaken Asta into a goddess to have influence over tsunamis and earthquakes (to lessen their extent on the mortal realm). However, something went terribly wrong. Asta grew smaller and behind her, another moon showed up - Astrea. Two goddesses were born - Asta and Astrea. This was also the moment the aspect known as Cruel Sun appeared before his followers.

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    Court of Sol
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Era of Magitech

2781 A.P. 2950 A.P.

  • 0 E.o.M.

    Invention of the Airship
    Discovery, Scientific

    This is the date the first Airship was created. It's maiden voyage was to visit as many capitals as it could starting in the Archadian Empire, then flew to the Jadeite Empire and Divine Empire, before returning home. This marked the beginning of a new era, era of the Magitech. Many historians of that time described it as a new age, ending the Third Age, Kingdoms. However, that wouldn't be so.

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  • 100 E.o.M.

    Invention of New Life
    Discovery, Scientific

    The race of Warforged is created. Most of their job is to help the Archadian Empire by safeguarding its borders. Over time they receive more tasks and become a sentient species. It would take many centuries before they would be recognized by something more than servants.

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    Emergence Race: Warforged
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  • 120 E.o.M.

    Invention of the Arcanesuits
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Archadian Empire was the leading for in all Magitech and their next course was weapons. At first, those were bulky vehicles manned by one person, later it would turn to personal armor, allowing users to fly and shoot magitech weapons at their enemies.

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  • 130 E.o.M.

    Invention of the Arcanum Cities
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first Arcanum City flies over the skies of Archadian Empire.

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    Archadian Empire

Age of Arcanum

2951 A.P. 3000 A.P.

  • 0 A.o.A.

    Invention of the Arcanetrain
    Discovery, Scientific

    The invention of the Arcanetrain marked the change of an Age. Many argued that the world was ruled by two major powers - the Jadeite Empire and the Divine Empire. With this invention, allowing the Archadian Empire to transport masses of people and resources in rapid transit between cities, showed everybody who has become the undisputed rulers. Nobody could match their Magitech and now, with the ability to transport weapons and armies in rapidly, nobody would ever dare to face them in battle. The Age of Arcanum has begun.

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  • 5 A.o.A.

    Invention of Arcanite
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Arcanite or Magic Battery is invented, allowing people to store enormous amounts of mana/magic/arcane power in them for later use. In time, potions that regenerate spent magical powers by Wizards or Sorcerers can be produced en-masse.

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  • 11 A.o.A.

    Production of Arcanum Artifacts
    Technological achievement

    Many artifacts were created in the Third Age, Kingdoms, however, the bulk of them was done in the Age of Arcanum. Also known as the Arcanum Artifacts, these held immense powers and the magic creators could make them with ease thanks to the Arcanite technology.

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    Arcanum Artifacts
  • 24 A.o.A.

    Invention of the Magitech Bom
    Technological achievement

    The Archadian Empire did it. Through the use of Arcanite, they were able to create the most powerful weapon in existence. Many speculate that the Magitech Bomb is capable of killing a True God. Now, nobody would even think about opposing the empire.

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    Magitech Bomb
  • 48 A.o.A.

    Invention of the Arcanevessel
    Technological achievement

    The proudest achievement of the Archadian Empire, at least those that were made public, the Arcanevessel was a magical ship capable of leaving the Material Plane and not only able to go to any plane but also visit the The Gods Plane as well as the Conduits (External Plane). This was huge. Mortals having the ability to tap into the powers of Gods with ease? To change Free Will itself? To use the building blocks of the universe? The True Gods weren't happy and want happened next, might be why they reacted so slowly.

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