
This region was sparsely populated as a Magistorm devastated the lands during the Third Age, Kingdoms, just before the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned. Many believed these lands to never recover until a "miracle" happened, when a Magistorm rained for a hundred and one days, returning the lands, not only to its former glory but much, much more. They look "magical" to many.  Some speculate that this is the work of some Archfey. Magipluie nation is ruled over by Half-elves who decided to take the lands since the full blood humans were "too scared" to do. In just a couple of years, they were able to build a wonderful nation, filled with magic. The Magistorm still happens but it is described as the most "safe" Magistorm in the whole world. It is the only nation to have Faerie Dragons as advisors and administrators.


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