
Greediest (a.k.a. Golden Lord, Fat Prince, Eternal Greedy, Lord of 3rd Archspire)

Mammon, the Lord of the Coffers, is the Archdevil who embodies the essence of greed above all others in the Hellish Spire. His insatiable avarice is legendary among the infernal ranks. Some speculate that if Mammon were not consumed by his unending greed and short-sighted desires, he might have achieved an even higher rank among the Archdevils. However, Mammon's obsession lies in amassing wealth and power, and he believes that there is no point in having all the riches in the world if one cannot enjoy them in tranquility.   As the Archdevil of greed, Mammon actively seeks out those mortals who hunger for material wealth and dominion, enticing them with promises of immeasurable riches and authority in exchange for the ultimate price—their immortal souls.
Divine Classification
Major Entity, Archdevil


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