Old World Calendar

The Old World Calendar was created in the Third Age, Kingdoms. First it was used by the Divine Empire before being adopted by everybody due to the massive influence of the Archadian Empire. It consists of 12 months, each taking 30 days, which are divided into three ten-day "weeks" known as décades. Seasons are separated, each season getting three months. The first three are the Spring months, then Summer months, etc.   Different cultures use the calendar in their own way but a majority have the same approach. The fifth day of the décades known as quintidi is the Day of Rest, where work shouldn't be done all day and people should relax. Many kingdoms allow their serfs to work only for half the day or even none. The tenth day is known as décadi is the holy day for all religions. The temples are packed with believers. Each church has its own holidays and it depends on the country/city if they are free from work. There are five special holidays, that happen between months and one in a month, that doesn't count towards the décades, thus the 25th of any month, any year will be the quintidi day.  


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