
The nation of Orodetontos tells the tale that the Grand Baator Mountains aren't to be trifled with. Once upon a time, during the Fourth Age, The Calamity, a family of Gold Dragons escaped to the mountains of Arakhor. They saw no other option to hide here, as their children were in dire need of safety unless the Iconian Empire would turn them to food or slaves. While their parents defended their lairs, the corrupting powers of the Grand Baator seeped into the eggs and the souls of the young ones. The parents weren't able to see through this deception and when the most terrible calamity happened, the children used this moment to murder them, patricide and matricide. Now freed from their bonds, they would roam the land in the Fifth Age, Current Age, feasting on mortal flesh but their need for greatness rose and enslaved many people north of the mountains, founding a new kingdom of Orodetontos. While their neighbors could wage war with them, the sight of dozens of dragons on the horizon doesn't sound like a good idea.


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