
Being of Good

The Source Being came to life at the dawn of time, when one of the Fiends (it is unknown if it was a Demon, Devil or even a Yugoloth) invaded the Hills of Harmony just after the start of the Blood War. His presence wasn't enough to wake (or create) Raziel but his actions were. A mortal soul that was denied access to Afterlife was given a second life here, on the Hills of Harmony. His name was unknown, only that he lived peacefully as a farmer and the monstrosity butchered him with delight. At that moment, brilliant light shined into the eyes of the fiend and a sword pierced his body with a powerful thrust. Raziel was born at that exact moment. To this day he leads the Heavenly Host to safeguard innocents in the planes and the Cube itself from outerplannar threats. He rarely leaves the Hills of Harmony and even then, only to the closest Good aligned Major Plane like Divine Crown or Fields of Freedom.
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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