
Skoraeus is said to have the least non-Giant worshippers out of all in the Jotunnheim as his powers mainly are connected to rocks, caves and crystals. Even in the Undertethys, where a lot of his race resides, he doesn't have a lot of followers. Clerics of the god of rock, caves, and crystals are rare and mainly work with Stone Giant tribes.  


The Stone Giants at the start of the Second Age, Godswar needed to find a leader. Instead of choosing of their own, each took a part of them - either a crystal or a rock and used their magic to create Skoraeus. He became their leader and patron deity. When he saw the bickering in Jotunnheim, he decided to become a recluse, coming back to his brethren only in time of need. If they couldn't learn by their mistakes, then they never will.  


  • Do not others move you, be like a rock
  • Work hard, let your hands feel heavy at the end of the day
  • Seek beauty in things most would miss, let it shine
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He keeps to himself, not even intervening in fights in the Jotunnheim pantheon. He keeps friendships with other gods of stone or caves.  

    Cleric Domains



    Stone Giants, Rock, Caves, Crystals  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    True Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Aligned Organization


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