Three Deaths

Patron of all Pirates, Three Deaths is a ruthless god that seeks only treasure and loot, no matter what port it is. Worshipped by most pirates as anybody that parlays under Three Deaths will make it southbound and those that disrespect the parlay will find only death. His clerics have mobile temples, ships that made into shrines but sometimes they make land and built temples in pirate havens.  


Three Deaths was known as the Dread Captain Stornson during the Second Age, Godswar, where he amassed a fleet of warships under his banner and raided all sides of the conflict for his own benefit. The Dread Captain was supposed to be killed during the conflict not once, not twice but on three occasions. The first time was when he raided the lands of the Devils, his armada was sunk but he resurfaced years later. The second time he died was during combat against the celestials. His body sunk to the bottom of the ocean but he came back as an undead. His last death came very late, allowing him to terrorize many ports during his reign on the seas. When he was finally killed, many believed him to be the embodiment of the pirate life, so he came back for the last time as a Deity.  


  • Respect the law of parlay. Never go back on your word.
  • Loyalty lies within your crew. Respect means everything.
  • Reward those that were loyal. Share the spoils.
  • Relationships with other Gods

    Three Deaths is a member of the Bloody Arena Pantheon as their ruthlessness is the most appealing of all and believes that in combat true courage is found. He is opposed by all gods that are honorable and just.  

    Cleric Domains

    War, Tempest  


    Pirates, Parlay  


    None, Lesser Deity  


    Neutral Evil  

    Known Aspects

    None, Lesser Deity
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Neutral Evil
    Aligned Organization

    Character Portrait image: Conquest by Samuele Bandini


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