Tribes of Arakhor

Many Tieflings of the demonic heritage declined to be part of the "civilizations", they saw order as futile in the face of chaos, thus for millennia, the western parts of Arakhor were always in the hands of nomadic, barbarian tribes. Many new races would join them over time, like the Goliaths, other humans, or the monster races. While they would always find a reason to fight one another, there was no doubt that pillaging towns and cities in the east would bring them much glory and booty. There are tales, that after The Second Divergence, a new leader among the tribes has arose. Naming himself the Furyaxe, with great brutality, he unites many tribes under his banner, while he himself is not interested in leadership, many see him as a force to be reckoned with and follow him out of fear or hope to gain more in his wake.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe


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