Tethys The Second Divergence

The Second Divergence



The Titan Chronos has returned once again, hidden from everyone's mind and memory in the Weave of Time to strike against the The First Gods once more. Memory of the Gods is returned, the First World isn't a myth and is a myth at the same time! While new people emerge at this moment and a whole new continent strikes the Old World. Chronos returns to the Weave but the world won't be the same as before. During this time Magistorm has changed and Magihails appeared, with them the race of Aetherborn.

The Titan Chronos plotted his return for three ages since the The First Divergence. Unbenounced to everyone, Gods too, he was hidden in the Weave of Time. The world's timeline existed, like the First World never was. Chronos not only returned the previous one but merged it, creating mass confusion among all creatures in the Planes. Who to believe? The Gods? The Titans? Furthermore, new people arrived, claiming they lived in the First World before their world was destroyed. A whole new landmass was attached to the Old World called Forgotten Lands with the wound on the world called Timescar. Chronos returned to the Weave of Time before the Gods could react and attack him for his actions. There he seems to be safe from their wrath.

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