United Arakhor

When the nations of Central Arakhor were able to rebuild after the Fifth Age, Current Age Post-Calamity Era, they saw a new movement emerge. Many of the colonists and Tieflings of Arakhor died due to starvation and disease, while the richest among them were able to prosper. What is a king if he can't feed his own people. Why not people lead themselves? Thus this movement made rebellions happen in many nations, mainly colonies from other ancient civilizations like the Divine Empire. Once their kings were disposed of (by force or abdicated), they banded together and wrote the first Declaration of Independent and United Arakhor. Where all intelligent races are granted rights, especially the right to vote for their elected leaders. It is here that true democracy was born, while it might have been inspired by some smaller nations from the Third Age, Kingdoms, it has become something greater in their stead, becoming the beacon of freedom, while their neighbors (close and far) scoff at their ideas, their peasants start to think differently. United Arakhor is also the inspiration behind the Revolutionaries of Bordeux, a group of revolutionaries wanting to abolish the empire and bring democracy like Arakhor did.
Geopolitical, Country


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