
The Wyvern is a fearsome draconic creature, often mistaken for a dragon by those unfamiliar with its distinct characteristics. It possesses a large, reptilian body with a leathery hide that can vary in color, often displaying shades of dark green, brown, or gray. Unlike true dragons, wyverns have only two legs and a pair of large, bat-like wings that also serve as their forelimbs. Their heads are elongated and dragon-like, with sharp teeth and a pair of menacing eyes. A wyvern's most distinguishing feature is its long, barbed tail, which is often tipped with a deadly poison.   Wyverns on Tethys originated in the Second Age, Godswar, a tumultuous era marked by the fierce conflict between Demons and Dragons. Utilizing their dark magic, the Demons corrupted several dragon eggs, transforming them into grotesque aberrations. It took centuries to eradicate most of these twisted creatures. The Wyverns are the survivors of this millennia-long purge. Although generally scorned by dragonkind, some dragons employ Wyverns as guardians or beasts of burden for their lairs, viewing them merely as rudimentary, almost mindless remnants of a long-past age.


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