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The previous inhabitants of Tyria are said to be evil and violent creatures of the night that are believed to have emerged not long after the creation of The Schism during The Age of Malediction. There are records of an estabalished culture of the creatures that is still undecipherable and has been relegated to mad scrawlings of unnatural beings. During this time, human and humanoid populations had been pushed east of The Schism and north into The Deadlands and beyond.   Word had spread of a man who could commune with Orun the god of knowledge, and knew of a way to cleanse the land of the scourge that had driven them from his ancestral home near what is now called Rainy lake. This man, who said his name was Jadifar, spoke from sunup to sundown of the need for everyone to choose to fight, not only for themselves but those beside them. He instilled a zeal in those would listen, if only for a moment, to give everything they had to his cause.  
In this time of hopelessness and strife,we know deep within the whispers of our souls that our destiny is etched not by the bloodline of kings, but by the valor of every soul who dares to dream. In the shadow of calamity and the echoes of The Schism, we are bound by a common oath: to stand as one, to fight as one, For the Everyman! For it is not the lineage of monarchs that shall ensure our survival, but the indomitable spirit that burns within us all. This blight upon the land that crawled from the pits of that world wound seeks to destroy not just our body, but our will to live! But we have been given an opportunity that we cannot ignore, and one I will not refuse, nor will you if you take but a moment and listen to your spirit speak! Stand with me my brothers and sisters, ignite that spark of hope that the darkness seeks to extinguish. Remember your dream of freedom and fight with me, For the Everyman!
— Recorded excerpt of a speech by Jadifar located in the holy archives of Arx
  In only a few years, Jadifar had assembled an army of the masses under the banner of a golden eye, with the light of the sun spreading it's gaze across the land. The symbol a representation of Jadifar's creed, "I am guided by Orun, there is nothing I cannot see!" Over the course of the next 10 years Jadifar and his forces quickly swept across the land, cleansing it of the unnatural beings from beyond. Upon returning to what he believed to be the birthplace of his predecessors Rainy lake Jadifar founded the capital of the empire Arx. in the year 1368.  


Tyria is rougly 1.3 million square miles and it's eastern border is amost entirely defined by the Karsk Mountains with the only break being The Schism which is considered unpassable due to it's sheer size. The northern border consists of the Central Highlands and the Wyndenbrook River a tributary of the Mekara River, the lifeblood of the Subet nation, which flows from the season snowpack melt of the Central Highlands to the Celestial Tideway. There is a massive body of water called Rainy lake that is large enough to create it's own tempermental weather systems that are well known to be dangerous during the end of spring and the start of fall.  


With it's large size, Tyria includes most climate types but is largely temperate savannah. You can find wetlands as you approach the connection between the Karsk Mountains and Central Highlands due to their stopping most storms from traveling east. To the south, rougly a weeks ride from Arx you'll begin to feel the change from Temperate to Tropical as you get closer to Havenport, a major port city on the Netherflow Strait.  

Government and Politics

Tyria is a Theocracy with Jadifar's son Jadifar II currently sitting on the throne. The emperor, or "all seeing eye" appoints individuals by holy decree to run the daily affairs of the empire. In addition Jadifar II has chosen five individuals from across the empire to be a hand of unique individuals that together can overcome any obstacle. These five individuals are commonly known as The Chosen. They are a direct extension of the Emperor's authority on Tethys, and they are treated as such, by friend and enemy alike.  

The Chosen

Rowena Deepdelve
Known for insatiable curiousity and mechanical tinkering, Rowena established herself even before attending the Arcane University with her research on tying magical items to extraplanar anchors proving her ingenuity and thoroughness to the universty's masters. After graduating she focused largely on executing her thesis which gained her entry, attempting to uncover the methods of creating items referred to as Tokens but has proven largely unsuccesful in her endevaors. However she has designed new methods of enchanting and magical attunement in the process that have allowed practitioners to create far stronger magical items than previously thought possible.
Edmar Cu
An immigrant from Subet after he sought a life beyond what the trader nation could provide. Edmar found his purpose in serving the military arm of the empire. He became known for his tactical prowess and ability to wield information as a weapon, preventing calamity from inside and outside the empire's boundries. Edmar has been deployed in the northeastern section of the empire near Kebbik after Kespia attacked Tyrian citizens on Tyrian land to direct and resolve the problem as he deemed neccesary.
Isolde Stormclaw
A rare sight in Tethys, Isolde is a Wyvernkin, a decendant of a well recorded lineage of humanoids who made pacts with Wyverns before The Age of Malediction that have survived in the isolated area known as The Deadlands. Her lineage lends her unrivaled strength and durability in hand to hand combat, and her uncanny ability to intuit her opponents on the battlefield with ease has elevated her to the status of a Hero long before she was selected as a Chosen. However her desire to face conflict directly puts her at odds with her peers as her ingenuity makes up for her lack of prepardeness. Rumors say that she was last seen near The Deadlands crossing the Karsk Mountains as part of an empire mission.
Orik Ironroot
You will likely hear Orik before you see him, as he proclaims the wonders of the Empire, the Gods, and the need for all to devote their lives to them. He has a long history of mixing magical studies with religious teachings and pushed for the inclusion of places of worship at the Arcane University, believing that through prayer greater insight will be gained. He was exiled from numerous institutions for spreading the concept of what he called "The Unified Body". A theory that each self aware creature contains a natural connection to each plane of existence, and therefore each Diety. The living beings have the ability to create imbalance between these planes, for example if massive amounts of people become vengeful and hateful, it will cause disruption amongst the planes as each person adds the smallest of weights to the scale that is the perfect balance of the Unified Body. When this happens it will reach a tipping point where the planes will attempt to rebalance, taking the excess "weight" and dumping it back onto the plane where Tethys resides, creating pure chaos.
Thalendir Moonshadow
If there is anyone who could pry information from an ordinary stone it would be Thalendir. Believed to run a spy network across the empire, He has been in the information game since he was a child growing up destitute on the streets outside of Arx. Playing the game of politics within the upper echelons of those chosen to run matters of state by Jadifar II comes as natural to him as breathing. It is believed that Thalendir and Edmar are partners due to how often they were seen in the capital before war with Kespia began 15 years ago.
The All Seeing Eye
Emblem of Tyria

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