Grimwald Von Braunbär

Poet Laureate Grimwald Von Braunbär (a.k.a. Grim)

Grimwald was once a wildling, living away from the civilised world in solitude. One fateful poetry reading at the feast of Weihnacht however changed his life for the better, as Bacchus' shined on him and propelled him into Teutonian society.   Grim's lack of worldly experience, however, made his newfound purpose difficult to coalesce. Necessity required him to seek council from scholars and educated folks such as the Praetor and the Synod. This thirst for knowledge would help him become a Fieldschreiber in service to the nation, and even put him in contact with the gods themselves.   As a Bard, Grimwald wishes to become a conduit through which information can flow.

A man from unlikely origins who seeks understanding of the world, its people, the gods and magics. A bard, a poet, a scholar.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Poet Laureate & Feldschreiber
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Dróttinnlauss Lodge, Near Bad Tolz
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6ft 8in

21/08/1122 (Downtime response)

"You have found that when the seas are very rough and you want to die from fear and sickness, the only thing that truly brings you comfort is your poetry. You notice that sometimes, when others are scared, your poetry calms them too. You have become fascinated by this and wish to discuss this further at Renewal with whoever will listen! You have many plans for Renewal. You want to spend time with the Synod, especially during meetings, but most of all, you want to talk to the Praetor about an official position as an information gatherer! You know Pip will back you on this! Things are looking good. You feel happy and positive!"

3rd day of the 8th month, 1122

I’m finding my mind more at ease than usual, and I seem to be finding myself drifting off into thought more regularly, particularly this business with timelines and realities. I had thought myself at great disadvantage not being entirely privy to what we had “lost” in our initial transference. Now I see, however, my detachment perhaps allows me a more pragmatic gaze on the events that are transpiring. Xiomara in particular is of great interest to me. Three versions of her I have witnessed thus far, each shaped by their respective histories, with vastly different outcomes. I sense in some way that there is a fundamental part of her that remains, the same with each iteration, a selflessness and willingness to do what she believes is right for her nation… While I could ponder the morality and implications of such a being, I am unavoidably drawn to my own condition. For a few years now I have been trying to find myself, trying to understand the nature of fate and the gods. Answers to questions about who I was, who I am, and what I should be.   To be so ignorant to think that the gods would be directly influencing the choices I make and the path I tread! The gods may have made the paths we tread and the rules we must adhere to, but only I can put one foot in front of the other. From this day forward, I will be Grimwald Von Braunbär. A Teutonian. A Bard. It is who I have always been.

1st day of the 8th month, 1122

Ocean, as far as the eye can see in all directions. It’s a strange feeling for someone so used to having solid ground under their feet. There are no buildings, trees or landmasses, it’s just a big wet wobbly infinity. The constant turbulence was churning my stomach, but it’s been a week now, and the sickness seems to have subsided. Now the rocking and the sound of the waves is actually quite calming. Despite the fact I'm surrounded by the great and the good, it’s actually quite peaceful out here, and dare I say it, I may actually be starting to enjoy sailing…

22nd day of the 7th, 1122

Pip’s ship sits in port, quite a bit larger than I had imagined for just the two of us… With the few remaining coins leftover from my pay, I visited some of the Franconian merchants, some even carried the Teutonian fashions from across the channel. I couldn’t help myself. I look like one of the natives! If not a bit larger... I sat in the Inn, staring at myself in the mirror. A hat perched atop my head with fur and feathers peacocking from its brim. Is ‘Skud’ who I really want to be? Is ‘Skud’ the name of a poet?

21 day of the Seventh month 1122

You know, the more I’ve been thinking about it, the more it makes sense. I mean Leherin’s avatar told me directly it was the act of learning, of moving forward, that pleases them. And of course, it was the feast of Bacchus where I earned the title of Poet Laureate… Perhaps there is something in these gods. Mortis seemed cold and indifferent when I tried to speak to them, and surely Lorelai would reach out to me if they needed me to be in their domain? Perhaps it is time I embraced this? Perhaps it is time I made the most of these gifts? Perhaps it is time I became Teutonian.

20th day of the 7th month 1122

I received an invitation from Captain Pip to travel together to the Steppe lands, perhaps some time at sea will keep my mind busy… perhaps terrified would be a better way to put it. You and me both know that the last time I was on a boat was when it all came crashing down around me, that Ealdorman idiot… But you know, it’s like the Synod said, perhaps it’s time to embrace what life has to offer rather than live in fear of my past? Pip is rather nice after all. Perhaps she has cake.


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