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Poet Laureate Grimwald Von Braunbär

A man from unlikely origins who seeks understanding of the world, its people, the gods and magics. A bard, a poet, a scholar.

Played by
Connor Knight

21/08/1122 (Downtime response)

by Poet Laureate Grimwald Von Braunbär

"You have found that when the seas are very rough and you want to die from fear and sickness, the only thing that truly brings you comfort is your poetry. You notice that sometimes, when others are scared, your poetry calms them too. You have become fascinated by this and wish to discuss this further at Renewal with whoever will listen!
You have many plans for Renewal.
You want to spend time with the Synod, especially during meetings, but most of all, you want to talk to the Praetor about an official position as an information gatherer! You know Pip will back you on this! Things are looking good. You feel happy and positive!"

Grimwald's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Grimwald's history, from the beginning to today.

21/08/1122 (Downtime response)

"You have found that when the seas are very rough and you want to die from fear and sickness, the only thing that truly brings you comfort is your poetry. You notice that sometimes, when others are scared, your poetry calms them too. You have become fas...

11:46 am - 21.08.2022

3rd day of the 8th month, 1122

I’m finding my mind more at ease than usual, and I seem to be finding myself drifting off into thought more regularly, particularly this business with timelines and realities. I had thought myself at great disadvantage not being entirely privy to what w...

10:24 am - 04.08.2022

1st day of the 8th month, 1122

Ocean, as far as the eye can see in all directions. It’s a strange feeling for someone so used to having solid ground under their feet. There are no buildings, trees or landmasses, it’s just a big wet wobbly infinity. The constant turbulence was chur...

10:23 am - 04.08.2022

Twenty-second day of the Seventh month of 1122

Pip’s ship sits in port, quite a bit larger than I had imagined for just the two of us… With the few remaining coins leftover from my pay, I visited some of the Franconian merchants, some even carried the Teutonian fashions from across the channel. I...

10:23 am - 04.08.2022

Twenty-first day of the Seventh month of 1122

You know, the more I’ve been thinking about it, the more it makes sense. I mean Leherin’s avatar told me directly it was the act of learning, of moving forward, that pleases them. And of course, it was the feast of Bacchus where I earned the title of ...

10:22 am - 04.08.2022

Twentieth day of the Seventh month of 1122

I received an invitation from Captain Pip to travel together to the Steppe lands, perhaps some time at sea will keep my mind busy… perhaps terrified would be a better way to put it. You and me both know that the last time I was on a boat was when it all...

10:21 am - 04.08.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Grimwald.

Played by
Connor Knight