
Sythis is the Mother of the Land of Teutonia; she is a vengeful goddess demanding absolute faith. She believes that mortals must always strive to be the best and overcome any obstacles. She will not suffer the unworthy and is reluctant to assist any who beg for her aid, more likely to help those who try their hardest.

Sythis holds a strong rivalry with the God Syth. Both claim the same domains but are at odds with one another for dominance. The Churches of Syth and Sythis have decreed that these female and male Gods are in fact aspects of the same God and should be worshipped in the way the individual believes. This does not erase tensions between the two proud churches.

Divine Domains

Goddess of life and rebirth

Tenets of Faith

Seven commandments of Sythis:
Thou shalt be worthy or thou shalt die.

Thou shalt take what is rightfully thine.

Thou shalt not fear.

Thou shalt not yield.

Thou shalt not suffer the unworthy.

Thou shalt not kill without reason.

Thou shalt heed thy visions.


Dawn, everyday, is considered to be the holy time of Sythis, a reflection of the beginning of life in which Sythis grants life.


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