Bray River

The physical representation of the division between Albis and Sylvinthon

The Bray River acts as the border between Albis and Sylvinthon as it is a natural barrier of surprising strength. Large stretches of the river are virtually uncrossable due to steep hills on either side of the valley, and deep water that can't be forded. The only fordable point became the site of a settlement that would eventually become known as the town of Border. People live on both sides of the river in Border where a bridge was built near the site of the old ford during the reign of Arten III. They support themselves on the plentiful trout fishing to be had in the river all year round, as well as salmon swimming upstream during the winter months.   The source of the river can be found in the mountains of the Great Divide. From there it flows south and then south east. The Sylvin Water and Red River are both tributaries of the Bray and join the river before it reaches the sea where it flows into the Straight of Ranthos. Trout and salmon aren't the only inhabitants of the river. Some kelpies can be found here although they are shy creatures and often avoid the company of humans. Clan Brayford made their fortune by settling at the ford and trading goods between settlements on either side of the river. Members of Brayford families were also the first to craft boats to navigate the river and make the transport of logs from the Blue Forest to the south practical.

Cover image: by Selarah_Morgan


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