Grronv Syndrome
Grronv Bafa, as it is termed in the original Grazu, is derived from the words for "bone sickness," which was in those days a crude way of expressing a genetic defect. The Garruw are apex predators of their planet, capable of defeating almost any foe single handed. To be incapable of this is almost unthinkable.
They suffer the usual array of diseases, bacterial and viral, that tend to plague other species, but on the whole they suffer very few genetic defects, which is what makes GS so insidious, and so feared and reviled.
It becomes apparent almost from birth, as it causes the garruw's limbs to grow at an unusually fast rate. Their wings in particular will grow far faster than usual, which leaves them thinner and prone to tearing in the fierce winds that the garruw must fly to soar through the storms that feed them.
When they achieve full size, usually a full ten years before their peers, their muscles tend to waste away without specific and difficult effort from the garruw.
It is thought that the defect primarily affects how they interact with the storm energy, that it interferes somehow and renders them weaker. As evidence, those suffering from GS typically have difficulty producing the energy blasts typical of Garruw Abilities.
While they can become similar in strength to their peers, it takes a great deal of effort, and any kind of interruption in the rigorous exercise necessary will quickly result in massive losses.
GS is not usually talked about. Those who suffer from it are usually meant to keep it hidden. On the other side of it, to comment on it is considered uncouth.