Ibaojar Peacock Species in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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Ibaojar Peacock

While the latter half of the name comes from a now extinct type of bird, the first word is a simplified version of the Grazu word for "roar": iybaojärr.   Descriptions of this bird are mixed and polarizing. Some describe it as colorful, while others describe it as entirely plain. Most people call it silent, but many also call it loud.   The former conundrum is because it conceals its plumage under a set of brown feathered wings. These are the set they use for flying. The second set, and the bird's body, have much brighter plumage. It varies to an extensive degree, and no two birds are alike.   The second comes from the fact that the Ibaojar peacock walks so lightly that it is almost entirely silent as it moves, and it communicates with the rest of its species by means of visual signals and scents. The lone exception to this is the roar it makes to drive away predators. It is unearthly loud, and scientists have devoted a lot of study to figuring out how exactly the bird can produce such a sound when it doesn't make a single other noise.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ibaojars are relatively smart birds and are adept at finding the plants and bugs that they find best to eat. While they are capable of eating a wide variety of things, each individual bird is noted to have highly individualized preferences about the food they eat.


Young ibaojars will form loose flocks, separate from their families. Otherwise, the ibaojars form large nesting colonies that come together quite tightly.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like most avians on Thaiterra, these birds have an uncanny sense of the energy in the storms and are able to avoid lightning strikes easily.


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