Delta Frontier Alliance Organization in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Delta Frontier Alliance

The Delta Frontier Alliance is a governing body within the Thallit Delta Sector, responsible for maintaining order and enforcing laws within the sector. The alliance is made up of elected representatives from each of the major settlements within the sector, including Calaveras Field.   The alliance is responsible for regulating trade and commerce within the sector, as well as mediating disputes between settlements. They also work to maintain the infrastructure and facilities within the sector, such as spaceports and communication centers.   The alliance also works closely with the sector's security forces to protect the sector from outside threats, such as piracy and illegal smuggling. They also have the authority to impose fines and penalties on individuals or groups who break the sector's laws and can even expel individuals or groups from the sector if necessary.   The alliance meets regularly to discuss and vote on matters concerning the sector, and they also hold public sessions where citizens can voice their concerns and suggestions.
by Midjourney
"Advancing humanity, exploring the unknown."
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by Midjourney
Character flag image: by James Bass


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