Harrison Thallit Character in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Harrison Thallit

Harrison Thallit was born in 2053 on the planet Asherah in the Perusa Omega Sector. Growing up, he was fascinated by the stars and space travel, and decided early on that he wanted to make a career in the field of stellar cartography. He studied hard and earned a primary degree in Stellar Cartography, as well as a secondary degree in Starship Operations. After completing his education, Harrison joined the Perusa Omega Expeditionary Force, where he served as a navigator and cartographer. He quickly proved himself to be a valuable asset to the team, and was soon promoted to the rank of Captain.   During his time in the military, Harrison led several successful missions, mapping out new territories and making important discoveries. He was known for his leadership skills and his ability to think on his feet in difficult situations.   After leaving the military, Harrison decided to strike out on his own and explore the galaxy as a private explorer. He gathered a group of like-minded individuals and set out on a journey to discover new worlds and make new discoveries.   It was during this journey that Harrison and his crew stumbled upon the Thallit Delta Sector, a previously uncharted area of space. They spent several months exploring and mapping out the sector, and eventually decided to establish a base there.   Harrison's leadership and determination played a crucial role in the establishment of the Delta Frontier Alliance, a governing body for the sector. He was appointed as the first leader of the DFA, and served in that position for several years.   Harrison Thallit passed away in 2120, but his legacy lives on in the Thallit Delta Sector, which is still known for its exploration and discovery. His name is remembered as a hero and pioneer in the field of stellar cartography and space exploration.
by Midjourney
Born: 2053   Birthplace: Asherah, a planet in the Perusa Omega Sector   Education: Primary degree in Stellar Cartography, Secondary degree in Starship Operations   Military Service: Served in the Perusa Omega Expeditionary Force

Cover image: by Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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