Thallit delta The Thallit Delta is discovered

The Thallit Delta is discovered

Discovery, Exploration


The Thallit Delta is discovered by a group of human explorers, who name it after their leader, Captain Thallit.

In the year 2095, a group of human explorers led by Captain Thallit set out on a journey to discover new worlds and expand humanity's reach into the galaxy. After months of traveling through uncharted space, the crew stumbled upon a vast and unexplored sector of the galaxy, which they named after their leader.   The sector was rich in resources and potential, with a diverse array of stars and star systems. Captain Thallit and his crew quickly set to work mapping the sector and establishing settlements and outposts.   As word of the Thallit Delta's discovery spread, more and more settlers and traders flocked to the sector, eager to make a new life for themselves among the stars. The Thallit Delta quickly became a hub of activity and commerce, with the human settlers establishing trade routes and building new settlements on the many worlds they found.   However, as the population of the Thallit Delta grew, it became clear that a governing body was needed to regulate the sector and keep the peace among the various factions and groups that had settled there. Thus, the Delta Frontier Alliance (DFA) was formed, with Captain Thallit as its first leader.   Under the guidance of the Alliance, the Thallit Delta Sector has prospered and grown, becoming one of the most important and influential regions in the galaxy.