Helium-3 Shortages and Xenon-13 Development

The shortage of Helium-3 has been a major issue in the Thallit Delta for the past 100 years. This highly sought after resource is essential for powering the reactors of spacecraft and stations across the galaxy. However, the finite supply of Helium-3 has led to a surge in its price, making it inaccessible for many communities.   In an effort to solve the energy crisis, two researchers, Dr. Adira Singh and Dr. Jaxon Stone, set out to find an alternative. After years of experimentation and trial, they finally succeeded in developing Xenon-13. This new element showed promising results in their small-scale reactor, providing a sustainable and affordable energy source for the future.   The discovery of Xenon-13 marked a significant turning point in the Thallit Delta and beyond. It allowed for the expansion of exploration, commerce and migration as people could now travel farther and faster with the assurance of a reliable energy source. Xenon-13 has become the primary source of power for the Thallit Delta, freeing the region from its dependence on the limited supply of Helium-3.

  • 2267

    Shortages of Helium-3 begin in Thallit Delta

    In 2267, shortages of the valuable gas Helium-3 began in the Thallit Delta region, causing concern and uncertainty for the future of energy resources. The demand for Helium-3 in deep space exploration was increasing, driving up prices and leading to hoarding by corporations and wealthy individuals.

  • 2272

    Increasing demand for Helium-3 in deep space exploration drives prices up
    Financial Event

    In 2272, the demand for Helium-3 in deep space exploration skyrocketed, causing prices to soar. This rare and valuable element was crucial for powering spacecrafts, and as exploration continued to expand, the demand only grew. The shortage of Helium-3 was becoming a major problem, with prices climbing higher and higher.

  • 2278

    Major corporations and wealthy individuals begin hoarding Helium-3 supplies
    Financial Event

    Major corporations and wealthy individuals, sensing the scarcity of Helium-3, begin stockpiling supplies for their own use, driving up prices and exacerbating the shortage for everyone else. This hoarding behavior only worsens the already dire situation for those who depend on the gas for their energy needs.

  • 2283

    Helium-3 rationing implemented in some systems to combat shortages
    Civil action

    As the shortage of Helium-3 intensifies, some systems in the Thallit Delta are forced to implement rationing to preserve their limited supplies. This measure aims to prevent the depletion of their resources, but also leads to concerns about access to power.

  • 2289

    Black market trade in Helium-3 begins to flourish
    Criminal Activity

    With limited supplies of Helium-3, illegal trade in the precious resource begins to thrive as people look for ways to secure the power source for their own use. The black market becomes a source of conflict and desperation as individuals and corporations resort to underhanded tactics to gain control of the finite supply.

  • 2296

    Some planets in the Thallit Delta experience power outages due to lack of Helium-3
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 2296, the shortage of Helium-3 reached a critical level, leading to power outages on some planets in the Thallit Delta. The limited supply of the energy source left many systems without power, causing widespread disruption and hardship.

  • 2305

    A major conflict breaks out between the planets Autolyt and Iarpher in the Hroa System over control of a Helium-3 deposit.
    Military: Skirmish

    In 2305, a major conflict broke out between the planets of Autolyt and Iarpher in the Hroa System over control of a valuable Helium-3 deposit. Tensions rose as the shortage of Helium-3 became increasingly dire, and the two planets fought for control of the precious resource. The conflict resulted in devastating losses for both sides and ultimately highlighted the pressing need for alternative energy sources in the Thallit Delta.

    Additional timelines
  • 2312

    The Delta Frontier Alliance implements stricter regulations on Helium-3 extraction and trade
    Civil action

    In 2312, the Delta Frontier Alliance stepped in to regulate Helium-3 extraction and trade in response to the ongoing shortages and conflicts over the valuable resource. Stricter regulations were put in place to better manage the extraction and distribution of Helium-3, in an effort to prevent further conflicts and power outages.

  • 2320

    Helium-3 is declared a strategic resource and regulated by the Delta Frontier Alliance military
    Civil action

    In 2320, the Delta Frontier Alliance declared Helium-3 a strategic resource and regulated its extraction and trade through military control. This move aimed to ensure a stable supply of the vital energy source and prevent further shortages and conflicts over its control.

  • 2328

    The first experiments with using Xenon-13 as a potential alternative to Helium-3 begin
    Discovery, Scientific

    In 2328, the first experiments with using Xenon-13 as an alternative energy source to Helium-3 begin. Scientists hope that this new element will help to alleviate the growing shortages and conflicts over Helium-3 supplies in the Thallit Delta region.

  • 2335

    Many remote systems are abandoned due to lack of access to Helium-3 for power
    Population Migration / Travel

    Remote systems in the Thallit Delta are forced to shut down due to the shortage of Helium-3, the primary energy source for many planets. The shortage causes a significant impact on the region and many systems are abandoned as a result.

  • 2340

    Initial tests showed that Xenon-13 could indeed be used as a viable alternative to Helium-3
    Discovery, Scientific

    Initial tests of Xenon-13 as an energy source showed positive results and its viability as an alternative to Helium-3 was confirmed. This marked a turning point in the search for a new energy source in the Thallit Delta.

  • 2350

    The first small-scale reactors using Xenon-13 were developed and tested
    Scientific achievement

    Finally, after years of research and experimentation, the breakthrough came. In 2350, the first successful prototype of a Xenon-13-powered device was created. The news spread quickly, and soon the entire Thallit Delta was abuzz with excitement.

  • 2360

    The first large-scale Xenon-13 reactors were built and put into operation
    Scientific achievement

    The first large-scale reactors using Xenon-13 as an alternative energy source were constructed and began operating in the Thallit Delta, marking a significant milestone in the transition away from Helium-3.

  • 2367

    The use of Helium-3 is reduced as Xenon-13 begins to become more prevalent in the Thallit Delta
    Financial Event

    As the use of Xenon-13 continues to spread, it becomes increasingly favored over Helium-3 as the primary energy source in the Thallit Delta. The once highly sought-after Helium-3 sees a decline in usage and becomes less prevalent.

  • 2370

    Xenon-13 quickly became the primary energy source for many of the planets in the Thallit Delta
    Cultural event

    In 2370, the shortage of Helium-3 was solved as Xenon-13 rapidly became the main energy source for numerous planets in the Thallit Delta. Its wide adoption and successful use resulted in improved power systems and a steady energy supply.

  • 2380

    Xenon-13 technology was widely adopted by the Delta Frontier Alliance and other major organizations
    Scientific achievement

    The Delta Frontier Alliance and other major organizations adopt Xenon-13 technology as their primary energy source, replacing Helium-3 as shortages and conflicts over its control become increasingly problematic. Xenon-13 proves to be a reliable and efficient alternative.